Theres alot of science based evidence that shows plant growth is directly connected to how much light it recieves. Thats what i was referring to.
Yes and new information is always being discovered. Do you understand DLI - Daily Light Integral if not I suggest it for further reading. It is a way to determine how much light your plants are getting in a given day. While true that a plant will use light while it is there - there is a point of diminishing returns for both your power bill and the plants ability to use it efficiently.

This is a great little chart for Autos.

Walter White I pressed yesterday spent the night in the fridge. Been out for a few hours and is nice and stable now. Good high, gets me stuck on random things, tastes like gassy lemons and smells better than the flower itself.
Got .9 from 5.1 grams, 120 micron, 205 temp for 3 mins. Will press again at a lower temp to try and match the beautiful rosin @Frankthetank & @Lil Dab made.
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This is how all my rosin looks and I prefer it for loading purposes but I’ve started to wonder if I’m doing something “wrong” because I never get the shiny amber oily looking stuff like Frank and Lil D 🤷🏻‍♂️
You don't know how many times I tell my wife to smell my fingers after rubbing the sugar leaves or stem. She doesn't even smoke but the smells are half the fun!
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I walk by and touch the tip of my wife’s nose and she’ll smell it for an hour 😂
This is how all my rosin looks and I prefer it for loading purposes but I’ve started to wonder if I’m doing something “wrong” because I never get the shiny amber oily looking stuff like Frank and Lil D 🤷🏻‍♂️

I prefer the butter consistency stuff too. Lots of it is strain dependent low temp does help but even the northern berry was runny at 180f and it was really dry going in rh in jars was in the 50's. First time I pressed at 170f and it ran just as bad. I never know how any of it it going to come out till it hits the paper :shrug::baked:
I just figured 2hr of extra photsynthesis each day would add up over time, ive definitely noticed a difference in growth between 18/6 and 24/0 when vegging photos. Only for a short time tho and then they slow down which is when i isually flip them. The extra 2hrs of light each day does provide am extra 10% of light to the plant over the grow. Im just worried if I’ll notice a difference giving them 6hr of rest opposed to 4. Everybody here seems to agree that 18/6 is better so i will go with that purely based on everybody elses experience over mine. I have seen some beautiful grows on here and will do what the people who have the results i am after are doing.
My first two runs were 18/6 then I tried 16/8 and saw no difference in size or yield so I’ve stayed there. I believe there’s no right or wrong here because there are success stories for every side of every argument related to growing. My view is that 16 hours of light is 6am-10pm in the sun which seems plenty for a weed and it saves me from paying for 60 hours of power. I have no science based data lol I’m just cheap