Man I wouldn't think that would do that how hot you running that thing? Your even smoking super clean dabs that stuff should clean up super easy. Least it does for me:shrug::pass:
Its the leaving stuff in it that makes it difficult to clean! :thumbsup:
I'm not a fan of lobster

ok, that settlez it -> ur DEF the weirdest one here :nonono: ppp

edit: i mean, for the record, that'z even weirder than Mark livin in texas & not likin bbq :face:
Someone say peel and eat? Dinner tonight from beach leftovers. filet, peel and eats, ahi tuna, cocktail de camerones

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So sorry to hear Pinky...

Have they resorted to Vancomycin yei
Idk what that is but no.

Oh man :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: :bighug: Is there anything you need my friend?
Well let’s just hope they are wrong on this one. Keep your head up pinky anything you need let us know:bighug::pass::meds:
Idk but I'm tryna not give up and hope that the 1 in a billion chance of them switching the antibiotics again will help. But they aren't even really counting on it at all.

I'm tryna also figure out some way of getting a power wheel chair, so MAYBE I can not spend the whole time in a hospital room. Maybe get a permanent port so I can get the antibiotics through the IV . At least get to a place where I can get into the sun, roll from one side of the room to the other cuz at this point im having to pull my hair/ ears to lift my head up