Biker MOB from laughing hyena after talking with LH seems they have had some issues with some recent crosses not sure what went wrong but something didn’t go as planned. Just feel bad cause I don’t want this to look bad on them they have been doing such a great job don’t think these last couple plants have shown that

Yeah home for a week then gone again :woohoo1: Just realized next week is Labor Day and I’m off Wednesday on so I have to work Tuesday next week and that’s it just a full week ahead of me to get there :headbang::pass:
Until u get to an f4 auto pretty sure this can be an issue cuz still has photo genes in it! Until i fucked up and left the roof sock vent open and hermied it one of the biggest nicest plants i have grown was an auto thst didn’t auto so stuck it under 12/12 and flipped within a few days! Cuz of the photo in it taking control the light in my bedroom coming in thru the open roof vent was enough to herm it! Just think tho if u keep it with it being photo dominant and it doubles in stretch she will be a beast! ;)
Until u get to an f4 auto pretty sure this can be an issue cuz still has photo genes in it! Until i fucked up and left the roof sock vent open and hermied it one of the biggest nicest plants i have grown was an auto thst didn’t auto so stuck it under 12/12 and flipped within a few days! Cuz of the photo in it taking control the light in my bedroom coming in thru the open roof vent was enough to herm it! Just think tho if u keep it with it being photo dominant and it doubles in stretch she will be a beast! ;)

Yeah that’s what I’m afraid of I don’t have the space and I don’t want to be growing this plant into next year :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I haven’t bowled in several years but one of the 2 balls i still own is like that where u can only use your fingertips (thumb is optional) but the holes are not that close together! You can’t hold the ball and throw it accurately if u are holding it with your 2 fingers so close to each other!

Forgot to hit post reply last night! :doh::crying:

I thought it looked pretty normal if not too far apart but wasn’t gonna say a word but since your still talking about :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl: