I know the costs because I installed “smart” circuit breakers that make it easy to see how much I’m using. Like you, I’m after quality, something I know wasn’t adulterated.
Just curious to see what others are up to. I do want to get enough solar capacity to run the garden.
I would love to be able to do this mischief on solar, but that is a project too big for me at this point. It would only work if BC Hydro let me put juice in the bank during summer, and use it during winter. But I am not putting that kind of money into a house we will likely have to move from in a few years. Good luck with it if you take it on, I think installing solar these days is a great idea if you can swing it.

Mossy has the best solar setup, but my climate is not cooperative enough for me. One winter grow is entertaining, and provides all I need for me, and extra to give to a couple close friends. Good enough for this old bugger. :pighug:
Finger tip bowlers have holes in their bowling balls like that, no thumb hole. I tried but my hand was to small to get enough grip on the ball for my finger tips to follow through.
I haven’t bowled in several years but one of the 2 balls i still own is like that where u can only use your fingertips (thumb is optional) but the holes are not that close together! You can’t hold the ball and throw it accurately if u are holding it with your 2 fingers so close to each other!

Forgot to hit post reply last night! :doh::crying:
That would be nice. And while we are fantasizing, I would enjoy a boat like the Bayesian, and a billion or so to keep her crewed and ready, but that ain't reality either. Reality sucks sometimes.

And climate change is going to get a lot worse than it already is. Those still fantasizing about this might figure it out eventually, but denial is a powerful thing sometimes.

Is this politics? If so, so was the joke, and both can be removed if needed.