Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '23

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Stoned again
We got some nice low temps coming up so gonna use them to my advantage and get the pots reset for next run! Still have 2 autos that aren’t dead yet so once i get down to final 1 i well fill up 3 10gal for next run! May try to do 2 per pot since only doing 3 pots! If i use plant stakes and angle em right hoping i can fit 6 plants with room for me to climb inside to topdress when needed! :thumbsup: :woohoo1:
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Also gonna make sure i do @Mañ'O'Green recommendation and add the 50ppm epsom/gypsum from the beginning so rez doesnt go all wonky on ph! This may be dumb question MOG but if i add 4 gallons at a time when i fill the rez do i need to add the CaMg to all 4 jugs or can i just add 200ppm to one jug which will even out once all 4 jugs are dumped in reservoir? :shrug::d5:
:pass: The PH of the RO will not change until it is exposed to air. It is the absorption of Co2 that lowers the PH. A gallon at a time is a PITA. I fill (make it) a 5 gallon bucket with RO and ad the Cal-Mag to it then add to the reservoir.
True!! I do make my sauce in a measuring cup……and pour it into the center and toss. Close.
Did you ever watch a chef at a Chinese restaurant add sauce to a wok? No they add sauce ingredients, it is part of the wok cookery.

Add oil to wok get hot if using marinated meat cook it partially first, then add mushrooms for a minute then add all of your vegetables Soy sauce and fish sauce, sugar and any other spices you like and stir fry until nearly done. The sides of the wok are where the most of the cooking is going on. There will be plenty of juices on the bottom of the wok by now. Then when nearly done add some corn starch (dissolved in a little cold water) this forms the sauce just keep stirring.

edit: I think by sauce in a cup you may mean the raw sauce ingredients so they can be added to the wok in one easy pour. Most of the time I only use Tamari and a dash of fish sauce and I can just add from the bottle.
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Why not just dump it all in the Rez and mix in there all at once? Or put all in a 5 gallon bucket and mix up.. But I think what you want to do will work.. I believe the gypsum won’t drop out of solution until 500ppm
How exactly…..with a ladder??? :shrug::rofl:

Be a pain in the ass to disconnect and pull bucket down every time and leaves potential of getting some air in the lines which is no bueno! Since plants are being fed off whats in the loop why i figured as long as end product was proper ppm was all that mattered! I do know MOG has talked about calcium falling outta suspension (although can’t remember what causes it) so why I wasn’t sure if my quick fill method would work! :d5:
:pass: The PH of the RO will not change until it is exposed to air. It is the absorption of Co2 that lowers the PH. A gallon at a time is a PITA. I fill (make it) a 5 gallon bucket with RO and ad the Cal-Mag to it then add to the reservoir.

Did you ever watch a chef at a Chinese restaurant add sauce to a wok? No they add sauce ingredients, it is part of the wok cookery.

Add oil to wok get hot if using marinated meat cook it partially first, then add mushrooms for a minute then add all of your vegetables Soy sauce and fish sauce, sugar and any other spices you like and stir fry until nearly done. The sides of the wok are where the most of the cooking is going on. There will be plenty of juices on the bottom of the wok by now. Then when nearly done add some corn starch (dissolved in a little cold water) this forms the sauce just keep stirring.

edit: I think by sauce in a cup you may mean the raw sauce ingredients so they can be added to the wok in one easy pour. Most of the time I only use Tamari and a dash of fish sauce and I can just add from the bottle.
Ya my reservoir is 6’ in the air so mixing a 5gal bucket and dumping in is not an option! Now i guess i could get a cheapo water fill station thing where i could use a jug on it with a hole for adding the dry nutes and then dispense to individual gallons to move to my bedroom but carrying and dumping bucket on my bedroom carpet is a definite no go! :crying:
Ya my reservoir is 6’ in the air so mixing a 5gal bucket and dumping in is not an option! Now i guess i could get a cheapo water fill station thing where i could use a jug on it with a hole for adding the dry nutes and then dispense to individual gallons to move to my bedroom but carrying and dumping bucket on my bedroom carpet is a definite no go! :crying:
Don’t feel like editing so add on question! My jugs are all prefilled so i have time and space if i need to remove the lids for a day or 2 before i use so any ph changes can happen and be adjusted before using! Or does it need more air or time or both before it happens! Guess i can go open a jug and test it and test 2 days later and see what she shows! U know for

:pass: The PH of the RO will not change until it is exposed to air. It is the absorption of Co2 that lowers the PH. A gallon at a time is a PITA. I fill (make it) a 5 gallon bucket with RO and ad the Cal-Mag to it then add to the reservoir.

Did you ever watch a chef at a Chinese restaurant add sauce to a wok? No they add sauce ingredients, it is part of the wok cookery.

Add oil to wok get hot if using marinated meat cook it partially first, then add mushrooms for a minute then add all of your vegetables Soy sauce and fish sauce, sugar and any other spices you like and stir fry until nearly done. The sides of the wok are where the most of the cooking is going on. There will be plenty of juices on the bottom of the wok by now. Then when nearly done add some corn starch (dissolved in a little cold water) this forms the sauce just keep stirring.

edit: I think by sauce in a cup you may mean the raw sauce ingredients so they can be added to the wok in one easy pour. Most of the time I only use Tamari and a dash of fish sauce and I can just add from the bottle.
I make a slurry of low sodium soy, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, hot garlic chilis, sugar, and a touch of corn starch. Set it aside
The protein gets tossed in a bit of corn starch, cooked in seasoned wok oil and removed. In goes the aromatics….fresh garlic and ginger, followed by veggies.
Meat gets returned and slurry poured in. Stir until thickened and incorporated.
How exactly…..with a ladder???

Hey if that’s the way then yeah :shrug:

Or think outside the box mix it up in a five gallon bucket then just stick you milk jugs in the bucket filling them and fill the Rez a gallon at a time as normal.. I am assuming you can fill it that doing one gallon at a time? Or get your self a gallon pitcher glass and fill the Rez with that. I have one for transferring liquids
Ya my reservoir is 6’ in the air so mixing a 5gal bucket and dumping in is not an option! Now i guess i could get a cheapo water fill station thing where i could use a jug on it with a hole for adding the dry nutes and then dispense to individual gallons to move to my bedroom but carrying and dumping bucket on my bedroom carpet is a definite no go! :crying:
This is why I use pumps and a flood tray. The flood tray can hold more than my entire closed water system. Saved my ass twice now!
I make a slurry of low sodium soy, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, hot garlic chilis, sugar, and a touch of corn starch. Set it aside
The protein gets tossed in a bit of corn starch, cooked in seasoned wok oil and removed. In goes the aromatics….fresh garlic and ginger, followed by veggies.
Meat gets returned and slurry poured in. Stir until thickened and incorporated.
Check out Woo Can Cook on YouTube, I just found him today. He has a bunch of recipes I have never tried.

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