Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I know there expensive....but I need 18 of them..going to cost a pretty sick of these sip buckets....they might work for others just not me....I always have issues...
Get u some grassroots living soil pots! They kick ass and use far less water and are only like $5 for 5gal! They have like a tarp type liner in them so helps water evenly distribute down they soil rather then absorbing into the bag! I have both 10gal and 3gal ones! :d5:
I been wondering the same thing! May DM them on IG to see if they answer!
Let me know what they say. I fucked around with it when I got mine but i feel like i was going to break it so I stopped before that happened now I got to clean it and taking it apart it best case to get it good and clean. Feel like it will be half assed clean if it dont come apart. IMO
About to do that myself. I've got 4, ten gallon Grass Roots fabric pots in a 4x4 tray. 'll be dropping in the Aqauvalve shortly!
Please tag me if you journal the grow, I’d love to follow. Are you doing anything to reduce the water between the pots?
Anyone know what are the best grow bags 5gal?
any of them work, i have tried all the cheap ones and no complaints here

As for autopots u only need 4 max for a 4x4, do what others said and get the valve and trays.

I'd start slow, buying 50 sips or 18 autopots seems crazy when you don't know if you like it or not, try a 2 pack of the xl autopots. goodluck i love them!
Please tag me if you journal the grow, I’d love to follow. Are you doing anything to reduce the water between the pots?
Same i am copying the autovalve and tray idea soon

3 BOG x Samsqaunch really taking on a cat piss smell the more it cures.
Of the various and entertaining aromas from my home grown, I think cat piss would a long way down the priority list. As in maybe a different strain next time… :biggrin:
It's been a rough couple of days outside of growing, but inside the tent, I netted 200 grams from one Double Grape plant. I think I'll trim the other one tomorrow. Just sampled it and... :baked:

200 grams of Double Grape

I am not jealous. I am not jealous. Not really. At least not unless I think about the fine time you are going to have with that bud.

Congratulations on a nice result!:pighug:
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