Speaking of lol!
Went back out for another 2 hours and I think we are done for the day. Got all the crabgrass from what I can tell and probably 99% of the sedge. Took out a billion morning glory shoots. Gave the "bush" bed a waxing lmfao had to drop some more wildflower seeds in the bare area cause it was literally all grass minus like a single black eyed Susan
it all looks a million times better now though, and all the little wildflower seedlings that were being choked out by the grass and vines have space to breathe now, yay!
Went back out for another 2 hours and I think we are done for the day. Got all the crabgrass from what I can tell and probably 99% of the sedge. Took out a billion morning glory shoots. Gave the "bush" bed a waxing lmfao had to drop some more wildflower seeds in the bare area cause it was literally all grass minus like a single black eyed Susan