Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Good morfnoevight All you happy Stoners:

I need to make a morfnoevight all gif for you... now we just need someone waking and falling asleep at the sometime

@Slater I have been eating some chocolate I made with MSG by Twenty20 Mendocino after about 6 hours I go zombie. This is a great ride at about 40mg.

I can live off the land mostly. I'm in a good location as far as if shit does go bad. Just trying to fill the void by being able to have some veggies also to keep the family healthy. So far I'm going for lettuce, peas, green beans, carrots, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, celery, and a few others but I'm stoned and it's late so I can't think of everything ATM. But the main stuff my family eats I want to grow for if shit goes down. If shit don't go down then I will save on groceries regardless. Everything has gone up in price. Crazy times!! About to get crazier. The funny thing is they don't talk about everything that's going on much in the mainstream news. Bunch of crazy shit going on in the world.
A perpetual garden is a lot of work but it beats being hungry hands down. Canning, pickling, drying are skills you must have.

@PatRatt I like eggs but they dont like me :gassy1:I used candle wax to seal my outdoor plants boo boo on top of the hose clamp Her top flew off in a wind storm yesterday :windy:View attachment 1490028
Can someone send me the vpd chart @Mañ'O'Green uses? I can't find it and lost mine when I got this new phone....
So i can say, From what i see, the people who only care about legalization would destroy everything in my country just to have it legal?
We can't throw a twist on weed politics because its all mixed together.

I mean if you want to run off people like me keep on talking about it i guess ; / its clear i'm the odd ball here anyways.
You’ll notice that picture was taken from inside the Jeep :rofl: even though it’s harmless ( not a rattler):pass: thanks for the reps my friend
Yep the wax is a good idea to keep secondary infections out. I keep paraffin grafting tape around for such accidents.

ScreenHunter_250 Mar. 05 18.18.jpg
@Zeromitch Technically you are correct as all cannabis political discussion is supposed to be in the World in Cannabis Section and there is a discussion thread already:


But ................... This is such a big deal with world wide implications as to warrant an exception to the rule. Unfortunately I don't think the bill will pass.

Now I ask that we take all further discussion of the topic to the above referenced thread.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

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