I so hate the monsoon there!!!! That's the only time I have a problem there...........and when it's above 115*F.
And that one REALLY bad hail storm in 2009-10, didn't help. I was caught away from the shop with no place to friggin hide. I could see it coming up the valley and couldn't do a damn thing about it. I did call the shop and they got most of the cars under something. It beat the hell outta my truck! I was fuggin steaming!!!!! I was out because someone couldn't do their damn job correctly! I had to call a friend for a canna fix to help me chill before I went back to the shop. I would have been VERY ugly, if I had went back without a chill period.
I've never seen steam rising off the pavement, while being covered with ice. Pretty freaky!
WHEW! Cannacoffee am sho kicking in!

Time for a nice hit or two of sum hash!