Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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My 1.3x1.3 tent has 2 colorful CBD plants forming some buds so i gave them both a hair cut as the tent is small and they need all the room they can get.

Both are coloring up but 1 is super colorful already the other is creeping in on the buds.

Day 31 purple kush cbd and pure red cbd, 1 gallon pots
Your Heart is quickening for shroom hunting huh......?..........View attachment 1508123
You know this is my time of year!
Azure blue sky days with a nip in the air.
Followed by misty morns and the crunch of leaves under your feet as you tread the footpaths.
Autumnal colours in the trees, and there is the smell of autumn, with that musty nutty smell, as mother reclaims the summer growth.
Cobwebs in the grass bejeweled by dew, shining like diamonds as the refract a rainbow colours.
Travelling the hedge rows foraging for natures harvest, hazelnuts, sloes, crab apple, haws and rowan berries.
And then there are the mushrooms. ahh the mushrooms, many hours picking in a field, with nothing to hear but the wind in your hair!
A truly magical experience, where I can enjoy some solitude from the crazy busy world and for me and even more magical experience, once I get home and have a cup of tea........shroom tea!
This is the magic mushroom forecast for Wales & the South West, Sept 9th

Wales and the southwest are stating to show colour but in all honesty this far south October and November are the best months.
In recent years, there has been no frost until late January and as long as there is no frost, the shrooms just keep growing.

In comparison, Scotland and the north of England are in full mushy swing!
If you live up north and your aint in the fields, you are wasting time!
The shrooms appear up first up North but they are also the first to disappear as the frosts advance South!

The redder the map, the higher the likelihood of shrooms.
The meteorological calendar always puts the first day of autumn as September 1, while the astronomical calendar usually sees autumn begin on either 22 or 23 of September.
For me I rather go with the Astonomical date!
No one wants the summer to end three weeks earlier,do they?!

Further more it is the Autumn Equinox on Friday 23 September 2022 in Northern Hemisphere.
In the Southern hemisphere it will be the Spring equinox.

Interesting Facts About Autumn Equinox
  • Equinox is an instantaneous phenomenon. ...
  • Day and Night are not precisely 12 hours each. ...
  • Equinox does not occur on a fixed day. ...
  • Equinoxes signal the start of Northern Lights. ...
  • Harvest Moon in the Autumnal Equinox. ...
  • Autumn Equinox once marked the start of the new year.
When do the clocks go back?

Clocks go back in the UK and British Summer Time (BST) ends and goes back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) on 30th October in the UK.
The sun will now set at 16:37 GMT in the UK and the sunset will be 2 minutes a day sooner in the Northern hemisphere, until the Winter solstice.

Winter solstice on Wednesday the 21 December, 2022 in Northern Hemisphere will be at 21:47.
In the southern hemisphere the 21st of December, is the summer solstice.

Do the clock go back on the same day in the United States of America?

The answer is no!
The UK and American DSL & the UK's BST do not change on the same day!
In the US the clocks go back on Sunday, 6 November.


An autumnal scene in the UK
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