Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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It's usually a sign there's too much water in the soil that's allowing algae to grow.

You can scrape it off, I've also just read that sprinkling cinnamon on it will stop if from spreading.
:yeahthat: excess moisture plus light causes algae growth.
Try to get in the habit of letting her dry out between waterings. It’s better to water completely, then let her dry until the pot is light when picked up….then water again. Keeping the top moist will be like a bug magnet eventually. They don’t like dry soil….. just a thought, anyway :pass:
Yep, I'm at 3 week a since pre planting watering rn and I'm only just staring to get close to needing to water again (in a 10gal). Soil volume in the pot, soil volume in the tent, rh, temp, and the plants themselves play into how often you need to water. Not the conventional method but what's been working well for me is that I shoot for 80*/60% and I will water when I see the rh dip down into the low to mid 50% and stay there for 24 hours ish. I just woke up so sorry if that makes no sense.
Good morfnoevight All you happy Caturday Stoners.

a cool cat.png

Hey guys, should I be worried that I saw algae on top of my soil? What can I do to get rid of it?
Water less often and prevent the light from hitting the soil. Algae in small amounts is not a problem. If you get a lot of it it will be competing with the plant for nutrients.
Yes, I am willing to pay the price for convenience. I don't know if I need a $5k amount of convenience......
If u get 1 that has a separate hand pump it makes it way easier too! U could even set it on the ground and use your foot to pump it up! :d5:

And u use this to pump it up! Even has pressure gauge on it! ;)

They have a nicer looking 1 but it’s only 10 ton and it’s outta stock! I like how the cylinder pushes the cage down rather then lifting it upwards!

Good morfnoevight All you happy Caturday Stoners.

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Water less often and prevent the light from hitting the soil. Algae in small amounts is not a problem. If you get a lot of it it will be competing with the plant for nutrients.
I cut out a paper plate and put it around it to block out the light.
Thanks for the rep @Frank the Dank!

Should probably be noted (for those unfamiliar with my grow style lol) that I typically keep my tent packed to the gills when it comes to soil volume. Right now I'm sitting at 40gal of soil in my 4x4 but usually it's 60. Not sure how much osmosis occurs across the barriers of the fabric pots but I do think it happens. When my tent is the way I like it it resembles the domino "5" pattern with a 20gal in the center and 4 10gal squished in around it. I do think that having that larger mass of soil in the center plays in to my water retention. I run in a no till soil very high in organic matter content (using hay to start, then transitioning to chop and drop cover crop mulching along with utilizing the leaf litter from the plants themselves), so there's a constant "forest floor" type composting action going on in my method.

Clearly what works for me isn't going to be appropriate for everyone but overall I really love my stupid easy method these days. I'm sure some of yall remember how crazy obsessive and overly involved I used to be lol, so this is just kinda the complete opposite end of the spectrum since I figured out that micromanagement was not good for my mental health. Plus my quality has improved many times over since I've relaxed in my growing. I really do think there's some truth to the whole "stressed grower, stressed plants" thing.
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