Watching Hunt for Red October, an outstanding book, the movie not so much. It kinda sucks knowing so much about subs and the Navy too. It has so many things wrong. Looks like they hired shitty consultants or ignored them.
One stand out in the movie: USS Dallas is supposed to be a 688 Class Fast Attack submarine. It's running from a torpedo......
...... and going to make evasive maneuvers by doing an emergency blow of the ballast tanks and breach the surface. The Chief of the boat is barking orders, correct, and gives the order for emergency blow and in the background you can hear 'fairwater planes, full up position', and the boat breaches the surface.......a VERY dangerous maneuver. The problem is that 688 Class subs don't have fairwater planes. They have sail planes. Fairwater planes are on the main hull of the sub at the waterline in normal trim. Sail planes are on the sail or as most people would know as conning tower. In 1990, when the movie was released, Subs hadn't had fairwater planes for over 30 years.
Breaching a sub is dangerous in that if the angle is too much and not enough forward motion. the sub can slip backwards and slip past crush depth pretty quickly.