Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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One little hit and I am seein trails :headbang:

Happy trails to you..:cooldance:... U posted earlier ur chocolate bar youtube link.. and i had it open,, then the puter crashed and cant find the post it was on??? Helpz pleeze :smoking:
i will be hunting your threads down :thumbsup: any thoughts to adding air to bottom res ? i know their is an air gap ,,i was just thinking a little more couldn't harm :eek1:
1 out of 10 or what ever it is ,,isn't bad going :cheers: why do you think i set 30 off,,,the odds be with you :thumbsup: ,,i got a couple 80ltr i keep thinking of having a bash with ,,i would want to dress/feed from top though ,,,

i wonder if you used plain water for bottom wicking and fed from top would work,,@WildBill ,,isn't you made mention of this in one thread or another ? ie..that the plant was using two paths to sustain its self?

The downside to aeration in the res is a thriving bloom of bacteria, because of the air, can turn VERY quickly if the supply is cut off.

The best ways to keep the rez happy and clean is to let it go dry for a period. What seems to work for me, once I see the rez is dry, I fill the next day. Filling the rez full comes down to once the girl can drink it dry around 48hours. I use 48 hours. I think you could string it out to 72 with no problem. This helps keep the rez clean. I also add EM1 for keeping it clean.
I treat the girl's root system as two separate parts. By NOT using or causing nutes to be in the rez, the girl mainly uses the rez for her water and the roots in the media and at your amended top dressings are not forced to uptake nutes to utilize the water needed by the level of the VPD the plant is exposed. I have added liquid KNF nutes applied to the top, but I wanted to limit the risk of washing thru the media into the rez, so when I top dress with KNF nutes, I make a slurry of my water, KNF nutes and compost. I just spread it out over the surface. This dressing is used on the day after I see the rez is dry. I usually top dress midday and then fill the rez later that day if I see I didn't wash anything into the rez.

These thoughts are mine and not backed up by science, only by observation. It's kinda backed up by the condition of my Asian Haze. :biggrin:
After nursing my first EB girls to chop, no minor feat, there had to be a better way of growing canna in EarthBoxes! EarthBox's recommendations is pure crap! I found Jeremy of BAS 10x10 series. I took some of his methods, mainly dry rez period, and adapted it to my thoughts and methods. I've also blended a KNF program(link in my sig) to my organic background.

We'll soon get a real test of all this indoors. Hopefully I can pull it off. I will be pushing my next EB girl.
Hello everyone,

Just wondering if there is a section on the site specifically for asking questions about Photoperiod plants? If not, I'm wondering if any of you good people can help me out a bit. I'm 1 week and 4 days into 12/12 lighting schedule, and I have one plant that has decided to really take off on me. I'm wondering about peoples thoughts on LST and defoliation during the 2-3 week stretch? I have uploaded a couple of pics to show you what I mean, excuse the state of the plants, took pics just after doing some leaf tucking. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated .. cheers.


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Hello everyone,

Just wondering if there is a section on the site specifically for asking questions about Photoperiod plants? If not, I'm wondering if any of you good people can help me out a bit. I'm 1 week and 4 days into 12/12 lighting schedule, and I have one plant that has decided to really take off on me. I'm wondering about peoples thoughts on LST and defoliation during the 2-3 week stretch? I have uploaded a couple of pics to show you what I mean, excuse the state of the plants, took pics just after doing some leaf tucking. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated .. cheers.
You'll get lots of opinions on those topics.
They look like they need training and trimming. I trim for air flow and stuff you know won't make much. LST.....yup! Do it.
Keep a nice clean bottom for airflow and to hekp keep nutes from getting on the plant.
Girls look good! Keep an eye out on the leaves since flipping into flower.
Happy trails to you..:cooldance:... U posted earlier ur chocolate bar youtube link.. and i had it open,, then the puter crashed and cant find the post it was on??? Helpz pleeze :smoking:

Yep here you go:

Thanks for the rep!

As far as a bible, I think we need to start a thread about EarthBoxes and home-made SIPs with everyone posting methods and asking questions

I agree I will advance the Idea of a sub forum in the growing styles group with the Mods and Admins. I will get back to you.
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