Damn dude! I wasn't too far behind ya. That's what they love to do, throw fucking pills at you and 'talk' to some fucking moron that can't possibly understand WTF some Vets have gone thru. Mfer's had me so damn screwed up with meds around the time my Mom turned for the worst. It was waaaaay rougher than it needed to be.This is a community of unique stories….like yours. Thanks for helping us make it what it isI myself used medical cannabis to get off of a handful of VA pills…14 a day to be exact. Took years to successfully do…but I made it with the help of this community and our favorite plant
After buy this new place, I was going to try and set up a group for Vets, like I helped set up many years ago where I used to live, and then this Covid crap came about. The old group gave me a different sense of worth.
Growing canna gives me a lot. I've ALWAYS loved growing stuff and I can thank my GrandMa for that. There's the regular satisfaction ya get just from growing your own stuff. It gives med meds that I can use and I can provide to my fellow Vets in need. Providing meds to those in need and have them tell you it helped them immensely has its own version of self-worth.