Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Your wish is my command! LMAO you know I got something for that don't you!
Urine was once used to tan animal skins, so families would all pee in a pot and sell it to a tannery once it was full. If you had to do this to survive you were “Piss Poor.” But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot.
I guess they were just called "poor"!
Also people who had red hair, would get twice the price for their piss, I kid you not!!
Not just poor, so poor they "don't have a pot to piss in."
Chef's special sauce?:eyebrows:
Always be nice to the chef!:rofl:
I have never been ill from a kebab in over 30 years!

Coz me...didn't have the 15 pints of beer first......:cheers:.....


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@Mossy look what I made for supper!
It's a regular thing at my gaff!
No chillies or lemon as I have to go shopping!
Grilled chicken with salad, talk about healthy.
I've been a bit naughty and had a pitta with it too!
Ok I'm gonna eat it now!

Flowery....:crying:..I Miss the pitta....although you can get gluten free ones they are not as good.
I usually use iceberg leaves as a wrap now......nice...but not as nice as a pitta...
Good Morfnoevight All you Cool AFN Cats. EO and a fine double shot it was this morning. Brazil/Guatemala blend roasted to just fullcity and 8 days off of the roast. It was very good indeed.

Happy Caturday!
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Layering of different soil mixtures or types is a bad idea for several reasons. The first is the physics of how water percolates down through soil. If there is a strata between the layers the top layer must become saturated before the water will penetrate the next layer. This can cause dry pockets in the lower layer. The soil there can become hydrophobic = repels water and roots and microbes there can die. Many microbes will go dormant. It is difficult to re-wet that soil without messing with the nutrient balance in the pot. The second Idea that people submit as a reason to stratify the nutrient layers is that the plant will grow into that layer when the plant needs the different nutrients. This is a fallacy because a cannabis tap root can grow 9 inches in three days. So it will be to the bottom of the pot long before the plant has aged to need a different nutrient profile. Worse yet is the tap root may stop growing if it hits a layer too hot for it and my even die. The laterals will eventually grow into it but by then the plant may be stunted.

Clay pebbles have a couple of problems. The first is they must be PH balanced. The cheap one are not and will cause havoc throughout the grow sometimes even killing it. They may harbor virus and pathogens when used in successive plantings. They can form a stratified layer in a pot causing the water to create soggy conditions above them. In an auto pot system the biggest problem is in the first two weeks when you are top watering. If the stratification takes place salt will build up in the layer line causing nutrient problems later that are wronly atributed to turning on the autopot. After the autopot is running the stratification problem goes away because the lower layer has no problem becoming saturated and the water will continue to wick up. I personally have not used an auto pot but these are the observations I have made here on AFN. Don't use clay pebbles. Just good quality coco is all you need.
I’m so glad I asked that question!

Right… No clay pebbles. The plan is

1. I’m using this living soil only
2. This evening I will fill three fabric Autopot with the soil, put them in the grill tent and turn on the light to start warming the soil before the seeds are germinated.

3. I’m not sure if I have to wet my living soil through to keep it alive and happy?

4. Once the Seed is in the soil, Cover it with a clear plastic bottle to act as a germinator/ cloche. This is an attempt to keep the humidity up. I was hoping to keep it under cover to keep the humidity up for awhile… Though my grow tent is at 62% without any light or water in it.

spray with dechlorinated water using a spray bottle, misting often.
Any thoughts? Thanks for your time.
Coz me...didn't have the 15 pints of beer first......:cheers:.....


Flowery....:crying:..I Miss the pitta....although you can get gluten free ones they are not as good.
I usually use iceberg leaves as a wrap now......nice...but not as nice as a pitta...
ahhhh yup yup I don't drink a lot, far too expensive at over £5 a pint.
weed is cheaper to buy , even cheaper to grow and I prefer it to alcohol!
Plus I can smoke weed at the pub!

Yeah I knew as soon as I mentioned the pitta, you couldn't eat it.
I'm not supposed to as part of my carb control but I've been gone all day and eaten 0% bad for me!:angel:
In the end I only ate half the pitta!.
Not tried the gluten free one's as gluten doesn't bother me and it is still carb, so may as well go for the full phat pitta (even if they don't contain fat lol)!
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