Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Close up of my purple pheno blue dream auto and group shot of other blue dreams and gdp autos
@Roger Bonilla The more the world changes..the more it stays the same....we did exactly the same 11 years ago...for the same reasons.
Same zero tolerance for on site flam..spam and bullying....

It still kicks off sometimes......just like any Large Family....:biggrin:....but on the whole now..the members keep the peace.
The staff don't hunt down trouble makers..the members do.....they appreciate the peace as much as we do...
Some day...all sites will be the same.....:pass:....say No to anti-social can't Learn when everything is flamed to fluck...

Good Luck to sounds Great..
That's badass... yeah we try to keep our people informed so they know what to look for seed sellers ,bullies ,bogus banks ect
So we have 25 mods and about 2k informed members that act like our eyes
It's fhaaantaastic lol hopefully one day we'll be 100k strong lol:baked::cheers::passit:
We will my friend.
Hell yeah we will good buddy.

this is always home base. But I do like our fbgroup. It is def one of the better ones.

oh and I wanna institute a new rule if folks talk shite(we also don’t cuss here, aunty M will put you on the naughty step!) about autos they will be getting the boot. If they say photos are better than autos they get the boot. If they say autos are less than. They get the boot!!!!!! lol

Oh and just Val you know I’d you didn’t already. @Mossy ia our fearless leader. She has done more for the auto community than any other single person on earth! We love her sooooooo much!!
We will my friend.
Hell yeah we will good buddy.

this is always home base. But I do like our fbgroup. It is def one of the better ones.

oh and I wanna institute a new rule if folks talk shite(we also don’t cuss here, aunty M will put you on the naughty step!) about autos they will be getting the boot. If they say photos are better than autos they get the boot. If they say autos are less than. They get the boot!!!!!! lol

Oh and just Val you know I’d you didn’t already. @Mossy ia our fearless leader. She has done more for the auto community than any other single person on earth! We love her sooooooo much!!
Photos are better if u grow in your bedroom like I do! Less hours with a hot tent cranking the LED wattage the better! :eyebrows: :d5:
Good auto genetics tho play a big role in their quality! Hate seeing people with gimpy lil plants and confused as to why only to find out it’s some ILGM special at 60 days and 11.5”! :crying:
May need to do me a 2L bottle grow with an auto in between the 4 10gal photo pots just to see how yield comes out running under 12/12 to finish! :shrug:
Photos are better if u grow in your bedroom like I do! Less hours with a hot tent cranking the LED wattage the better! :eyebrows: :d5:
Good auto genetics tho play a big role in their quality! Hate seeing people with gimpy lil plants and confused as to why only to find out it’s some ILGM special at 60 days and 11.5”! :crying:
Oh 10000% man I get it and if someone wants to grow photos by all means I won’t gonna be mad. But I am talking about the hater haters. “Photos are better than autos” and “autos suck” or even autos are good but…. Type stuff

It’s mainnny a fb thing. I see it sometimes on IG but not nearly as much.

and what’s the craziest is that these are in auto specific groups. It blows my mind. Like for real some folks will join an auto group just to make some comment like. Autos blow.
I wish I would have saved one from today. Even @Son of Hobbes chimed in and was like dude seriously? It was a page and a haldf long. It was wild
That's badass... yeah we try to keep our people informed so they know what to look for seed sellers ,bullies ,bogus banks ect
So we have 25 mods and about 2k informed members that act like our eyes
Member Power.....we are Great Believers...... :headbang: ...and if the members take over keeping site Clean...
it frees up the Staff to play a Support roll...instead of being Bouncers....and Everyone benefits.

Fake Reviews....shady are at the mercy of internet tricks and scams on every product you lay you money down on.
That is why we run the vendor Test program.
Live other members you know and trust...and can Track.
There is no escaping a Live Test...Balls to the Wall....everyone SEES it.

If I want to lay out money on a product I can check it out in AFN Reviews and Know I'm getting a genuine Review...Pass or Fail.

I Almost Think the Fails are the most they tell me what Not to waste my money on....:pass:
Member Power.....we are Great Believers...... :headbang: ...and if the members take over keeping site Clean...
it frees up the Staff to play a Support roll...instead of being Bouncers....and Everyone benefits.

Fake Reviews....shady are at the mercy of internet tricks and scams on every product you lay you money down on.
That is why we run the vendor Test program.
Live other members you know and trust...and can Track.
There is no escaping a Live Test...Balls to the Wall....everyone SEES it.

If I want to lay out money on a product I can check it out in AFN Reviews and Know I'm getting a genuine Review...Pass or Fail.

I Almost Think the Fails are the most they tell me what Not to waste my money on....:pass:
Member Power.....we are Great Believers...... :headbang: ...and if the members take over keeping site Clean...
it frees up the Staff to play a Support roll...instead of being Bouncers....and Everyone benefits.

Fake Reviews....shady are at the mercy of internet tricks and scams on every product you lay you money down on.
That is why we run the vendor Test program.
Live other members you know and trust...and can Track.
There is no escaping a Live Test...Balls to the Wall....everyone SEES it.

If I want to lay out money on a product I can check it out in AFN Reviews and Know I'm getting a genuine Review...Pass or Fail.

I Almost Think the Fails are the most they tell me what Not to waste my money on....:pass:
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