Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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My friends and brothers @St. Tom & @mohawk warrior :bighug::d5::pass:
Thank you for the :slap: :vibe:

My PC has been out of action but is now repaired!
So I'm back in the area!
Missed you all :bighug: and LS especially, life loses a little of its sparkle without a daily dose of LS!

@Mossy Just popped down to the garden shed and you'll never guess who I bumped into......................................... none other than "Spliff Kitty".
This was an opportunity to good to miss, so I got him to roll you a couple of his world class joints!
spliff kittycat-weed.gif
:crying: then again, it'z a brave new world now, so who knowz :coffee:

same :rofl:

yup, a sure sign of ocd :nonono:

:crying::pighug: ppp
Tbh considering he's my kid the patch wouldn't be a lie... not sure i want to be advertising that to a bunch of 10-12yo's and their suburbanite parents though lmfao. Mombies prefer their Xanax, casual wine addictions, and pumpkin spice everything to the greens anyways. :rofl:

And nah, that's what happens when my Adderall + Monster combo kicks in every day.
She definitely does her rounds at night, checking that the kids are where they're supposed to be and patrolling the back yard. The storm door we got with built in doggy door was worth every penny to not have to go let them outside every 5 minutes :rofl: she's got that mean af GSD bark and she barks at anyone who walks passed our house. She also rats out the kids if they're up after lights out. Between her and our "Texas Pyrenees" (short haired LGD) I have 0 worries about anyone trying to come into our house or backyard :rofl: but then when my alarm goes off in the morning she goes into the baby's room and gently nudges her awake, then runs in the boys room and jumps on the middle boy and licks his face till he gets out of bed to get away from her :rofl:
That's what I liked about my Lady. She was a pretty big female, Dad was HUGE, and she had "that bark" with a very pretty black and tan coat. I could walk her anywhere I wanted and she LOVED running beside me on my bike. She would not leave my side when we were out. My Uncle and I did all her training. She really didn't car for my Uncle. He was pretty strict with her. I was the Alpha male with her, but she sure was the alpha female! I did have to be strict with her at times, but she always obeyed and performed her orders flawlessly.
Do we have any "Coco Drippers" in the forums?
Is anyone using a drip system.
Do you know the difference between a Low Pressure drip system and a High Pressure drip system?
I've looked in the coco section and the hydro section and nothing jumped out at me!
If you know good "Drip" thread please link me!
Worst comes to the worst I shall go visiting other places and return home with the pertinent info, to share with all!
My interest comes about as I need to automate my grow in order for the plants to get watered when I'm away!
That's what I liked about my Lady. She was a pretty big female, Dad was HUGE, and she had "that bark" with a very pretty black and tan coat. I could walk her anywhere I wanted and she LOVED running beside me on my bike. She would not leave my side when we were out. My Uncle and I did all her training. She really didn't car for my Uncle. He was pretty strict with her. I was the Alpha male with her, but she sure was the alpha female! I did have to be strict with her at times, but she always obeyed and performed her orders flawlessly.
They're so damn smart, and eager to please their person. She's taken to training so well. Was going to keep going with the formal training and run her in Rally-O comps, but life got in the way with buying a house and all. She's flawless with her commands she does know though, and picked up on service tasks for my PTSD like its nothing... which she uses on the kids now too lol.
Do we have any "Coco Drippers" in the forums?
Is anyone using a drip system.
Do you know the difference between a Low Pressure drip system and a High Pressure drip system?
I've looked in the coco section and the hydro section and nothing jumped out at me!
If you know good "Drip" thread please link me!
Worst comes to the worst I shall go visiting other places and return home with the pertinent info, to share with all!
My interest comes about as I need to automate my grow in order for the plants to get watered when I'm away!
I’m setting one up as we speak. Just ordered some stuff off Amazon.
high pressure probably talking about hooking up to your home water sink or garden hose valve. Low pressure could be gravity feed.
They're so damn smart, and eager to please their person. She's taken to training so well. Was going to keep going with the formal training and run her in Rally-O comps, but life got in the way with buying a house and all. She's flawless with her commands she does know though, and picked up on service tasks for my PTSD like its nothing... which she uses on the kids now too lol.
Yeah, very eager to please. You can see it in their eyes.
If I was around, she would only take my commands. If Mom or Dad told her to do something, she would look at me, I would just have to nod my head or shake it. I pissed my Mom off severely. I would have to occasionally have to reinforce that she should mind Mom and Dad! LOL!
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