Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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"Hey! Are you open this door or do I have to do the peepee dance?"
It's about the only time he sits still long enough for me to take a picture. Other than when he's sleeping, which he does do a lot. Getting old now!

@MikaelAndréasSöderberg ......Italy........... :pass: ...they just legalised.....

Saw this earlier on today. I really hope other parts of Europe sit up and take notice, it would be great to see this catch on.
@MikaelAndréasSöderberg ......Italy........... :pass: ...they just legalised.....

Nice! More weed to the people! I might just stay here in sweden, maybe we will legalise it for personal use aswell?

I want to grow alot of weed, i love it. Is there anyone here from Italy or Spain living on it? :biggrin::biggrin:

@MikaelAndréasSöderberg - Good to hear from you. Hope things are going well.

Hey. Im doing Ok. Working my ass off, but for now i have to do it.
How are you?
@MikaelAndréasSöderberg ......Italy........... :pass: ...they just legalised.....

Great.... last thing the mob needs to get there hands on lmao

Should work on a strain and call it the “Sicilian kiss” you heard it here first lol

The gelato is already back ordered :crying:

Or Mussolinis mistake lol
What kinda non outdoor extension cords for an electrician lol
Speaking of electricians...
My buddy is opening his second store front.. called to brag... can’t wait until I sort my shit out then call him back to supply him

Use to have guys on sites using sawsalls in rain with regular extensions duct tape patches lol just nuts
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What kinda non outdoor extension cords for an electrician lol

Use to have guys on sites using sawsalls in rain with regular extensions duct tape patches lol just nuts
I would sure hate to have to replace my extension cords today! I had a customer that hooked me up with a steep discount and I took full advantage of it.
When I held a track day for customers, I always had my generator running and extension cords to supply power for fans, chargers ....ect.
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