Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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What is your estimated ROI? Are either one of you trying or want to be off the grid?
If you guys are still hooked to the grid, did you go with a battery bank or do you just sell the power back to the electric company?
I've thought about getting solar and have it mounted on my shop with its 50x60ft roof. Given the current state of battery tech, I'd more than likely sell the energy created and not deal with the overhead of a battery bank. I'd only have a battery bank if I wanted to be off the grid.
13 years is our estimated ROI time. We want to be as energy independent as possible. Off grid all together isn't really an option when you live in a townhouse lol. Lowering our power bill was our biggest thing since we've got an estimated 40% increase in energy costs expected in the next 5 years here. We didn't go with the generator/battery option, we sell back to the power company and then get a discount on whatever we have to buy back.
Only took all day since I kept getting interrupted
13 years is our estimated ROI time. We want to be as energy independent as possible. Off grid all together isn't really an option when you live in a townhouse lol. Lowering our power bill was our biggest thing since we've got an estimated 40% increase in energy costs expected in the next 5 years here. We didn't go with the generator/battery option, we sell back to the power company and then get a discount on whatever we have to buy back.
Wow! Pretty long. Is that with the tax credits taken in consideration? That may decrease if the energy cost increase, with what this administration has shown so far, we're in for some steep energy cost increases.:shrug:
Only took all day since I kept getting interrupted View attachment 1364280View attachment 1364281
Now that's some mainlining!
Soda!!!!! How you been bud haven’t seen you in awhile

Note to all...
Keep kids away from your PlayStation or whatever....
Just about 10 k dollars and gawd knows everything in the cart....
Thank gawd the banks on it lmao
"Hey sis! Don't ya think little Joey needs a new PS5 with VR?" :eyebrows:
What is your estimated ROI? Are either one of you trying or want to be off the grid?
If you guys are still hooked to the grid, did you go with a battery bank or do you just sell the power back to the electric company?
I've thought about getting solar and have it mounted on my shop with its 50x60ft roof. Given the current state of battery tech, I'd more than likely sell the energy created and not deal with the overhead of a battery bank. I'd only have a battery bank if I wanted to be off the grid.
We sell it and we have the battery back ups which are huge but after the rolling black outs in texas last winter we said fuck that every 20 mins power went out annoying us to get solar i guess. We didn't get the bigger battery option that will power your ac/heat too, we just got what we thought we needed enough to back up our refrigerator, deep freeze, lights, and a few other things (grow lights) for 3 days worth. The house kicks on back up once a day to cycle the batteries keeping them healthy and such.

As for ROI my poor father that lives with us put the stuff in is name as the door knockers are the one who conned him into this, i sleep during the day so door knockers piss me off, so i couldn't give you the ROI but i know our power bill went down $200 a month. i'll get more details when i speak to him about it, i care so much i don't even have that Enphase app that shows the in and out on power, my father loves it tho always trying to show me our peak hours of usage and such. hope @Suki813 can help more than me :cheers:
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