Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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sometimes you just gotta do sense getting caught and all.
Inoo that's what am telling my self I have plenty of seeds and everything to get it going again it's just this one auto is awesome
Inoo that's what am telling my self I have plenty of seeds and everything to get it going again it's just this one auto is awesome
I feel ya pain my youth walked away from a few sites outdoors cause something felt amiss and trashed a few indoor plants......but never been busted.......
Inoo that's what am telling my self I have plenty of seeds and everything to get it going again it's just this one auto is awesome

sorry you mustn't have read my posts above it :biggrin:
ok,,,seriously put the dry stuff in the bed, ,plants back garden and take the grow down,, ,safest is always the best:thumbsup:
I don't get you mate ? Screen printing ? Beds ? Confused here for them to go out side I'd need to do an awful lot of risky shit
Stick em in the bathtub and buy some scented candles!
Found some garden guardians doing there thing today!

In other news if damn landlord doesn’t get these dead bushes chopped soon I’ll chop em myself and he can pay to haul them off! :cuss::finger:
Who wants to read some madness

Prepare your self

I live in a closed off cul de sac on private land with 10 other houses some flats some 2 up 2 down we are all having full revamp of properties top to bottom roof to flooring and all the Inbetween any way this morning lord knows how but the builders have damaged something to do with the electrics in the main meter room for all properties causing absolute may hem fires electrical shorts it's all happened there's been 20+ workers and the electric board franticly trying to sort it electrics been tripping ona off all day ... Any how no the bad bit I don't have any work planned till sept 12 plenty of time to harvest the girls I have or so I thought got a knock from all ove the above stating due to health am safety ect they needed to come in right away and check EVERY ELECTRICAL OUTLET AND SWITCH in my property
my heart sunk not only did I have a cupboard full of drying buds I had 5 plants still growing and obviously using noticeable amounts of electrical and they stink

Sooooo I quickly made an excuse of having had bad attacks earlyer that morning and mentioned I had been heavily medicating (to cover smell) and there for didn feel comfortable with people entering my property sooooooo I've managed to push it back to Tuesday . They need full access and may need to do some rewire work will take 2 hours min they said on top of that they are now saying they may as well star doing the work they were due to start SEP soon a you can guess am f**ked I've chopped the FB runtz was about done any way . I don't no wtf to do with the new girls tho impossible to hide them so my choices are revert to gorilla grow and maybe get something still but run risk of the transportation as there big all ready or the thing no of us want to hear or do
chop them down save what I have drying and start a fresh aug September I suppose then I can have a nice night's sleep ...... But I just can't bring my self to kill what is honestly the best auto I've done so far this ammo is all ready the size of my big runtz and only on the 7th node she would be some out door giant am sure of it

What's everyones thoughts ?

Good news is am safe hav my freedoms and there's clear solutions but what one ??????
Safety is best...
But with the public service announcement outta the way.
Plot your route and choose the spot well, near a water source preferably..
Prep your spot ahead of time and try to not be seen or take same route in.
After preparing the spot head in at night, preferably a lil while after you prep so you can watch for anyone who may have seen you and got nosey. But you ain’t got time so head in at night afterward and wing it maybe trail cam hidden so you can check for people.

You just missed the full moon so shit deal
No lights you stick out too much and bugs willchew ya to shit.
good luck
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Safety is best...
But with the public service announcement outta the way.
Plot your route and choose the spot well, near a water source preferably..
Prep your spot ahead of time and try to not be seen or take same route in.
After preparing the spot head in at night, preferably a lil while after you prep so you can watch for anyone who may have seen you and got nosey. But you ain’t got time so head in at night afterward and wing it maybe trail cam hidden so you can check for people.

You just missed the full moon so shit deal
No lights you stick out too much and bugs willchew ya to shit.
good luck
You forgot to add…… ready and fully willing to cut your losses and abandon everything..and never return if things go south and you’re spotted.

just my two cents
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