Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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'twaz a beautiful 81f Caturday evening in the heartland...:cool1:


theze guyz thought so too, lol...:yoinks:

Up The Ironz! :headbang: ppp
You started smoking roaches outta the ashtray when you were 8 also? Lol

Yes arty we had some right dicks on here before... I remember my first post and just getting chewed into lmao.. wayyyy different vibes now...
I think I had the same name just in native tung. And got chewed into for not trusting Rudy.
Then someone noticed my fake well thing and it was a good laugh.
How is it you haven’t got a staff tag arty? I was gonna get one before I disappeared last time also.

Now the UN has finally admitted we’ve messed this planet up via global warming and with an immediate solution it’s gonna take at least 30 years to fix, so it’s definitely getting hotter every year now... they don’t even have the solution yet

Or is the pole shift gonna happen soon that the Hopi prophecies talk about..

Someone better tell the stooges we already knew it was heating up when that seed vault frozen in the north or south pole flooded out.

And another forestry devastation Siberia is burning... bad news we’re out Of trees soon ... I was relying on the vast untouched Russian wilderness to pick up the slack from rain forest fires & clear cutting
To answer your question @mohawk warrior You may have remembered prior to the "Bud Warirors" later the "Auto Warriors" Mossy, ePenguin & myself were working our arses off in LS.
So if you remember I was staff for a decent period of time!
As my previous post has mentions, I can throw my self into a tasks, such as research and study and as such, I put in more hours than I really should have.
There needs to be a work life balance and at the time I was putting more time in to AFN than into my own life.
My only interest was making the forum the best it could be, that is still the case but the main focus now is on my health and welfare, first.
So these days I take a more centered approach, rather than having a "duty to do", I am here in a personal capacity & I will lend a hand where ever I can. That's the AFN way, be friendly and help other members!
Sure I miss staff room banter and yes I have great affection and respect for many staff members who I have worked along side but it is more important for me "in this time and space", to get my own life, on an even keel!
Charity starts at home and so you to need to put your own house in order, before you try and sort out anyone else's house, so to speak.
So for now I am just being and I am happy with that.
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IMO....All AFN members are a community support way....

If you are are supporting.......

Staff are there to do the site support.....such as editing/moving/deleting posts/threads...the rest is up to you....:pass:

You get out of a community what you put in....

We have 500 Active members a day.......everyone can contribute.....even if it is just rolling the joints for the staff stash box..cough..cough....:eyebrows:
@arty zan - Well, which silica should we use? and who makes it?
Monosilicic Acid AKA Orthosilicic Acid (H4O4Si ) is the most readily available form of silica/silicon for plants.
There are a number of Silicon compounds, which aren't readily available for uptake by plants.
However soil micro herd of beneficial bacteria (sometimes referred to as bennies) breaks down these silicon compounds in to usable Monosilicic Acid.
PAS.... what is a PAS? Plant Available Silica such as Monosilicic Acid, this what you need to look for on bottle of silica/silicon amendments.
Two reasons, silica compounds not available to the plant in their current form,need to be broken down by microbial action as previously mentioned, this process can take weeks or even months.
Such a lengthy wait will mean the plant may not be getting the silica it requires,at the time it is needed, for not only for stronger stems,leaves but also higher pest and disease control.
Product high in silica acid can seem to be a high price but it will be available to the plant straight away!
If adding silica compounds which need to be broken down, adding beneficial bacteria (bennies) will help the process along, especially coco which unless already added, will be low in bacteria need for the break down.
Remember also that Chlorine in tap water, will kill off beneficial bacteria needed to break down the silica compounds.
If your water company uses chlorine..... bubble the water for a few hours or leave to stand for 24 hours.
If your water company uses chloramine then bubbling/standing won't work at which point there are treatment which contain a very high vitamin C using either ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate content, which oxidizes the Chlorine component of the "Chloramine", leaving only the ammonia element of the "Chloramine".
The Ammonia is not a problem in of it's self as it is easily broken down by the bennies.
This is what I have come to understand after talking to @Vapo and having a discussion on which Silica acid based additive to use.
We are both users of "Dutch Pro" nutrients and at this moment in time I think we are both going to try "Von Liebig’s Special" from Dutch Pro.
At 3.8% Silicic Acid the product (Von Liebig’s Special) is reasonably priced, you can get much higher percentages of monosilicic Acid in other high end products but the price is also sky high!
If memory serves me right "BioBizz" ran a comp to see if you could guess what plant element was used in their new product designed to "protect the immune system, increase metabolism and enhance nutrient absorption in all sorts of plants".
The product is called "Acti-Vera"
However they fail to mention any specific compounds that the Aloe brings to the mix.
@mohawk warrior , yest the Egyptians did use Aloe Vera and did call it the "Plant of Immortality", With benefits on heart health, the digestive system, anti-ageing, and the immune system.
Why "Immortality" Aloe Vera hydrates & strengthens the skin for increased elasticity by stimulating the production of collagen, a naturally occurring substance in your body. Collagen is responsible for providing your skin with the ability to “snap back” as it moves, therefor minimizing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles that can give you an old or angry appearance. Keeping you looking younger for longer!
Another positive for DE!
When I was growing organic, I used to use a product called DiaHydro

DiaHydro Growing Media is a high silica diatomaceous earth growing media (large granules), which is highly absorbent, does not break down and is pH neutral.

DiaHydro Growing Media offers various benefits, including but not limited to, high natural absorbency and a high silica content of 94%. Silica is essential in strengthening cell walls. DiaHydro offers large quantities of plant-available silica which can lead to an improvement in the overall structural integrity of branches, stems and leaves. DiaHydro is 100% natural and has not undergone any heating or chemical process.

  • 100% natural.
  • High silica content (87-94%).
  • Super absorbency, 150% of own weight in water.
  • Optimal thermal conditioning at the root level.
  • 100% reusable.
  • Chemically inert.
  • pH neutral (6-7).
  • Does not agglomerate due to multi-faceted structure.
  • High cation-anion exchange (CEC) of 42.
I used to add it to soil mixes but it can be used as a hydroponic substrate just as it is.
@Mossy thanks for the rep!:headbang::pass::bighug:
Aloe Vera will be mention and I reference "Acti-Vera" from BioBizz but also mention uses for aloe vera from Egyptian times lol!
Horse Tail the bane of many a gardener is very high in silica, added to a compost heap with allow the silica to be broken down in Monosilicic Acid by the beneficial bacteria.
Horse Tail used to have the common name of "Pewterwort" because the Horse Tail is covered in tiny crystals of silica, which would gentle abrade the surface of the pewter and therefore polish it! (Not a lot of people know that)! It is also a, natural fungicide, horsetail 'tea' is used to treat fungal problems including powdery mildew and black spot and makes a magnesium rich spray which can be applied directly to plants and as a soil feed.
@Mossy thanks for the rep!:headbang::pass::bighug:
Aloe Vera will be mention and I reference "Acti-Vera" from BioBizz but also mention uses for aloe vera from Egyptian times lol!
Horse Tail the bane of many a gardener is very high in silica, added to a compost heap with allow the silica to be broken down in Monosilicic Acid by the beneficial bacteria.
Horse Tail used to have the common name of "Pewterwort" because the Horse Tail is covered in tiny crystals of silica, which would gentle abrade the surface of the pewter and therefore polish it! (Not a lot of people know that)! It is also a, natural fungicide, horsetail 'tea' is used to treat fungal problems including powdery mildew and black spot and makes a magnesium rich spray which can be applied directly to plants and as a soil feed.

Ah.....I've seen horsetail for fungal problems...didn't know about the have horse tail....but I Think the farmer has just weed killered it.... I'll need to look further down the track.... :headbang: .
Elcheapo cure all pot plant...
Aloe-Vera packing not only silica but I believe b vitamins calcium? And some other goodies
75 others to be exact.. I use it always..
that’s my clone hormone gel also
Best part is you can buy a plant for like 7 dollars and you’re set for life

The Egyptians called it something cool like plant of gods or immortality..
Definitely a
shining bitter substance.... true?

Heheheh maybe arty’ll get it

Side fact Alexander the Great used aloe to help treat soldiers wounds
Shining bitter substance the Arabic or Hebrew translation of Aloe Vera.
Ididn't know that before @mohawk warrior but I do now!:headbang:
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