Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Japp, helsvensk.
What kinda finish??

Welcome growseph.
Hi yo all,I know I could get a ban or something but I come from another cannabis forum where no One succeeded in diagnosing my problem.I let you look at some photos and Hope someone knows Better because well,this Is AUTOFLOWERING forum,thanks in Advance <3
Magnesium or Nitrogen deficiency?
That looks normal aging to me


Im new to the site and i would like to say hello. I was into growing before but has not grown for a while, i got caught by the police and I've been scared to grow since then.

I cant stop thinking about weed and the wounderful time growing it, so i signed up here so i can share my passion with you guys and the rest of the community.

I probably have all kinds of letter-combinations - HSP, ADHD, you name it - plus high functioning autism.

Im not sure when i will have a growroom but i will stick around if i feel i could give a hand where its needed, and if you appreciate my help.

Im definitely not a pro, but i believe i know the basics+ after studied the nature in the real world for some years.

Some of you might know who i am, but this time i will do this official, because everyone should be able to grow weed without the need of hiding behind a nick.

Hope to see you around guys :passit:
I’ve met someone with this
Last name before.. in u.s.a. .. you play the drums?
@MikaelAndreasSöderberg ,,if you been away a bit the current solo cup threads are worth a look ,,,

Oh, nice. Wish i could jump in but im in a mental hospital for now. I tried convince the the hospital that we they need to re-wire their electricity or maybe even knock the hospital down as they have to much EMF/radiotion hitting their property.


They are - accarding to them, pro's and im mentally ill. What do you think?

Im in to growing again if i win in court against the doctors on Tuesday, with 74 files of research for the judge to through.
Oh, nice. Wish i could jump in but im in a mental hospital for now. I tried convince the the hospital that we they need to re-wire their electricity or maybe even knock the hospital down as they have to much EMF/radiotion hitting their property.

View attachment 1338838

They are - accarding to them, pro's and im mentally ill. What do you think?

Im in to growing again if i win in court against the doctors on Tuesday, with 74 files of research for the judge to through.

we was having this conversation yesterday , and if the cate are in the know then say no more
download (3).jpg

sorry to hear about the situation you in pal, ,,,and you win the fight at court, if thats whats best at this time :bighug:
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