Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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well, if it keeps up all day I'll have time to rearrange the room.....wife complained too much about smell I'm going to run extraction piping through floor to exhaust under house. Which admitedly won't do much as I like to leave tent flaps open but with door closed and the 1/2 inch gap should cut it down alot...if I remember to close the door......which really is moot as I plan on putting the reversings on the front porch where she is most the time.
Did you fall in Love @hairyman ..................?..........................:dragon2: ...I Did.........

Stunning Shots....:yeah:.....I'm Thinking I'd pin that bottom close up as DC tric pattern...........:pass:

They from xmas time,, last full grow ,they was all pretty :toke: i still need to read me own thread :coffee: but i think consciously or not i favor them girls
They from xmas time,, last full grow ,they was all pretty :toke: i still need to read me own thread :coffee: but i think consciously or not i favor them girls

When I'm Playing....I usually look for Miss Right Now....which is the strongest most dominant pheno.....and keep me eyes peeled for Miss Right....
I'm Fluid...... :biggrin:
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