deffo blue also hows your hand bro
Still a bit buggered

Hopefully it wont affect my promising career as a hand model!

deffo blue also hows your hand bro
Yes, got it in may of last year…..and I got vaccinated a couple months ago….deffo blue also hows your hand bro
Just gotta try take the best precautions we can frank also so you got covid early on yes
Spanish Flu was devastating. worldwide. If this pandemic had been as bad, China would be in political and economic some think it should be now.Its crazy are world has changed so much and i never would of thought a variant of any disease could do the damage this has its just like the spanish flu all over again with better masks and hand sanitizer
It’s still a deadly disease so more people vaccinated is less people than can contract and then continue to spread it! Plenty of states with low % of people with it indeed have rising case counts again!Come to think about it they lifted the emergency orders here in Michigan about like 3 or 4 day's sgo. So we're back to normal in this state. So why are they still pushing this vaccine so hard?? I don't get it?![]()
Good thinking! I’m getting “healthy” as we speakblunts a day keeps Da Vid away!![]()
I’m honestly not positive the masks are any better lol
Absolutely! Look at all that beak room to hide your stash in!
FYI that CRT crap ain’t even taught in grade schools it’s a damn law school course! It was some political strategist that came up with using that term as the new boogeyman same way for last election they tried to make everything defund the police nonsense! Saw an interview where he literally talked about injecting that term into people’s consciousness over and over and then grouping different stupidness under that term to turn it toxic in peoples minds when they heard term! It’s literally just something to keep the citizens fighting amongst each other instead of looking to their public servants and saying WHAT THE HELL HAVE U ACTUALLY DONE FOR THE PEEPS LATELY! I only pay attention to that crap cuz I am watching and waiting for new canna laws where I am but they were more concerned with restricting abortion access here!Yes.. the new Delta variant that they call it here in the US is already here. it's been here for a couple of month maybe a little bit longer than that. it's been here in my hometown for 6 weeks as far as that goes. it's already spread all over the damn place. but again it's no different than the other covid-19 it's just more contagious. they just want to make a big deal....we live with contagious stuff every single day.
They're just trying to Pander to this new world order BS trying to pressure on all of us...especially those of us in a free democracy. Where they're really trying to squash America right now with that new world order BS. Using CRT, as a means of splitting the nation apart . As the United States is one of the last democracy on the planet without socialist underlying values that make up our constitution an the Bill of Rights.
Just watching the news. I see where the French it made it so that the health care workers that don't get jabbed can't get paid or job. WTF
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" the tree of Liberty is covered with the blood of patriots and tyrants"
It’s still a deadly disease so more people vaccinated is less people than can contract and then continue to spread it! Plenty of states with low % of people with it indeed have rising case counts again!
I just remember hearing on radio toward beginning of covid craziness that some of the compounds in canna can be up to like an 85% block against contracting covid so I just been blazing like a mad man! 4 blunts a day keeps Da Vid away!
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It's being taught around here and they just made a law against it. Critical race theory was being taught here in Grand Ledge Michigan and the PTA got together and they got its quashed and now the Governor just signed a law a couple of weeks ago that squash this type of training in our schools.FYI that CRT crap ain’t even taught in grade schools it’s a damn law school course! It was some political strategist that came up with using that term as the new boogeyman same way for last election they tried to make everything defund the police nonsense! Saw an interview where he literally talked about injecting that term into people’s consciousness over and over and then grouping different stupidness under that term to turn it toxic in peoples minds when they heard term! It’s literally just something to keep the citizens fighting amongst each other instead of looking to their public servants and saying WHAT THE HELL HAVE U ACTUALLY DONE FOR THE PEEPS LATELY! I only pay attention to that crap cuz I am watching and waiting for new canna laws where I am but they were more concerned with restricting abortion access here!![]()