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Day 28 Laughing Hyena girls are doing great just been leaf tucking and feeding daily. Still seeing some issue I think it's a mg issue whether it's not enough or too much k I'm not sure. Most of them look fine so not going to make any adjustments quite yet flower is about to start so hopefully that will go away as they need more K. Currently feeding 4 gram MC 1 part, 1 gram Epsom salt, .125 Raw P, per gallon and bennies once a week silica, kelp, fullvic, Yucca, Hydroguard, and Mammoth P

Lighting is at 22-24” away from canopy 600 umol 18/6 at the canopy once they start stretching I’ll keep the light between 24” to 18” away



Sowahh Queen




Dead Skunk




Lil Stick




Northern Berry



Mine was just a replacment down the line at the end. not sure if I could source locally one that would go through the grommet.
Yeah, like if it's line that is connecting cross connectors just has to be ID 1/4". May just be less painful to order from them. Do the math with shipping and see which is cheaper by the ft. the 10' or 100'. It's amazing how fast you can eat up tubing trying to run it to your pots. If I got 100' I think I would be good for life lol.
Both. Both are "3/8" as they call it. According to their site the tubing OD 9.1mm which is 0.358268". 3/8" is .375", so their 3/8 grommet is a little smaller. If I try to put 3/8" OD in it would not fit. You may squeeze it in because it's close, but may pinch ID closed or not have a gab on the outside. I'm sure that's why they made that size. The ID is easily found, but gonna be a unicorn that has both ID & OD that match.
It's so you have to buy their stuff. It won't pinch the inside but it'll wrinkle the outside and leak
Also i was referring to the cross piece that u said was leaking and how that fit into the hose didn’t realize u had any need of replacing the line itself! Thats why i said that cuz as long as inner diameter was same it would still fit snugly onto that cross piece!
Well I'm looking to the future, and expanding. I normally do 2 at a time. Had an issue during germination. I did two more, and 3 of the 4 ended up popping. I didn't want to waste a seed that germinated. I was gonna put 1 in a solo cup, but remembered I have 2gal bags. I figured I would hand feed it. I forgot I had 2 never used xl autopots sitting on the shelf. I use 2 xxl so I can use my grow bags. I put it in, and now trying to turn them is tight in a 2x4. If I could get tubing cheaper I would redo so I could arrange better. Not a must, but be nice. I'm on a tight budget for the garden so always looking to do it cheaper.
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