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I think autopot should be selling these at a better price. $1.85 for 1 is too much. Amazon sell 50 of them for $10 or less, so I know their cost is low. You can't really go off brand because you gotta match ID & OD for anything going into the pot. Shipping on 1 is like $5 so after tax it's like $7 for this cheap piece of plastic. This piece I only have to match the ID so I'm scanning Amazon for a big pack for the same price as 1.
Not so sure about that. I have part of my line bought from the auto parts store along with a universal 4 way......been working fine for a year.
Hey @Lil Dab how do you like those mesh grow bags vs the felt.I ordered a couple but now second guessing my decision .Thanks.

I like them a lot really easy to clean and hold up very well. Only have had one bag bust and that was a living soil bag. I have a bunch of core series that have held up for 2-3 years now. But to be honest I've been contemplating switching to plastic pots just cause they're even easier to clean and not quite as fast of a dry back. The ones I have are from Honor The Plant he has a Etsy shop Coda
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I like them a lot really easy to clean and hold up very well. Only have had one bag bust and that was a living soil bag. I have a bnhc of core series that have held up for 2-3 years now. But to be honest I've been contemplating switching to plastic pots just cause they're even easier to clean and not quite as fast of a dry back. The ones I have are from Honor The Plant he has a Etsy shop Coda
That's what I figured fast dry back and water shooting out the sides lol.Thanks.
That's what I figured fast dry back and water shooting out the sides lol.Thanks.

Nah there’s no water shooting out the sides they do drain a lot better then a felt bag but no gushers :haha::rofl::rofl::rofl: Normally what does roll out the top and down the sides gets sucked back in before it reaches the bottom.
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