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Mine was like a drop every 10 or 15 seconds. Very hard to notice until quite a few drops built up with the lights off. I guess it was slow enough that it was just evaporating away before building up a puddle. My thought was to hit the auto parts store for vacuum line adaptors but seems they really don't carry much in that department anymore. I remember in the 80's getting anything and everything from 1/2 inch down to 1/16 inch in straights, 2 way, 3 way, 4 way and 8 way manifold.
I think autopot should be selling these at a better price. $1.85 for 1 is too much. Amazon sell 50 of them for $10 or less, so I know their cost is low. You can't really go off brand because you gotta match ID & OD for anything going into the pot. Shipping on 1 is like $5 so after tax it's like $7 for this cheap piece of plastic. This piece I only have to match the ID so I'm scanning Amazon for a big pack for the same price as 1.
I'd just just the main valve off, pull the connector, blow it out dry, silicone it and reinstall tomorrow. your pots won't dry out that much over 24 hours.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I hadto wait till today until the autopot pot dried up, not the grow bag. I didn't want them to run out the open line. I topped them today had planned on drying pot up. Top feeding them tomorrow silica and recharge. Then was gonna turn back on. All my silicone is dried out. Anybody think it's a bad idea to give it a spray or 2 with flex seal? I think I have some of that on hand. Just iffy on if it's bad for it to come in contact with water going to plants. The hole is so thin I think it would be ok, but not sure if it's toxic. When I get home I will see if it says on bottle. That would work best/cleanest wouldn't even notice it.
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