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Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs,

I am 30+ pages back and higher than Giraffe balls. So I thought I would at least say Hello now, it may take a while to get through the thread as I have the munchies already :shrug:

There's also a couple different spectrums of uv. @Mañ'O'Green runs a few different ones and he knows the details. I just see nothing from the added UVA. UVB could be a different story. My bar hangs down through the middle of my light. No real difference in the plants underneath it compared to the edges. Been through a few grows with it now :pass:
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The science does not support increased THCa or CBDa with UV supplementation but terpene production can be enhanced.

It is my position that the improved terpene profile adds significantly to the consumption experience. This is subjective but I LIKE IT :haha:
Suns out :smokeit:
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