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Goodmorning everyone! :toke:
Was at the beach all day yesterday, came back all burned so I'm walking around like this today :rofl:
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Luckily my son is half Mexican cause him and my wife only got a slight tan while I'm over here looking like a lobster :crying:
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U trying to get a tan? :shrug::haha::crying:

Are there any vaporizer experts on here? Or just generally someone who's tried a few devices? My pax3 is great but nothing I put in it has ever had a flavor besides "weed." Which could also be on account of what I've been able to get. I am looking forward to perhaps experiencing that with growing my own and being able to pick strains.

That said, recommendations on a different device?

Looking for:

1) Flavors/scents/taste improvement
2) Lasts just a bit longer for sharing. Not a deal breaker if it's a small device.
3) Portable size unless there is a table top beast that I should just stay home and use.

Cost not an issue but no $10k gold plated stuff either.

Do not want - a dab rig or concentrate device. Flower only at this point.


I have a Crafty+, a Arizer Solo 2, and a Arizer Argo. All three are great and serve different purposes. The Crafty+ is the best out of the bunch, but the Argo is the best for outdoor activities as it's compact and can fit in your pocket.

Don't worry about the dab Nazis bustin your balls! :rofl:
In 10th grade me and my gf skipped school and went to the beach. We fell asleep in the sun, me lying on my right side, her on her left side. We had to go to school the next day, each sunburned on only one side of our face.
That RBF just loves to go skyward! That's definitely good smoke!
Ya, I'm going to have to give some silicone early next time I grow one of these to try and get her to be a little more compact. The last one I grew was fantastic. So much so that I gave most of it away to share. I might be a little more stingy this time.
My pits have always had them as well…. This one was worrisome because it’s also the shoulder he’s been limping on….but it’s unrelated. It doesn’t hurt him at all. He licked the vets face the entire time he was checking it out….no reaction at all. :rofl: :rofl:
Both of my dog's are lumpy. Bigs gets rimadyl when his arthritis acts up and it works pretty well :pass:
Hey guys, I realize I haven't been around for a while so I wanted to pop in and let you know what's up.

I am officially 3 weeks sober. Alcohol. And weed.

I realized I was headed down a bad path, both my grandmother and my father ended up on dialysis from renal failure. My fathers was for sure due to alcoholism and then later uncontrolled diabetes. My grandmothers was from diabetes.

I did the math and I was drinking the equivalent of a fifth of bourbon every night on weekdays.

And without the alcohol, the weed made me extremely anxious.

So, 3 Sundays ago I quit everything cold turkey. I'm extremely thankful and lucky that I didn't end up with the DTs. The first week was hard, but after that, it got a lot easier. And now...I don't want to drink. I'm down over 20 pounds already. I feel fantastic. I have tons of energy and I'm getting a lot more done around the house. I'm a better husband and a better father. I am sleeping a solid 9 hours a day and its good sleep. I wake up and I don't have a headache, don't feel like I want to puke, my body doesn't ache.

I realized I was smoking mostly to deal with the aches and pains that was coming from the insane amount of drinking that I was doing, and without the drinking, I didn't need it. My back, legs and feet no longer constantly ache. And I'm noticing that my attention span and memory are already improving.

I want to be clear, this is in no way an indictment of any of you - my wife still partakes and I have zero issues with that. I just asked her to please not do it around me for the time being until I have better control of my sobriety.

Growing weed was something that I found to be extremely relaxing, fun and rewarding. I hope to be back at it some day. I am not getting rid of any of my equipment. I hope that within a few years our federal government legalizes it - I think that would go a long way in lessening the anxiety that I feel when I smoke. Until then I'm just going to have to make due with my tomatoes and peppers.

Any seeds that were shared with me by some of the amazing members both here and on other forums are being kept, they are going into long term storage with desiccant. I am also sharing some of them with a friend who has decided to start growing, I just put together a care package to mail to them.

Thank you, all of you.
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