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And with our glorious Veterans Administration procuring and scheduling, I have to drive well over 100 miles, one way for this thing.
The thing is, by the time I driv
This is crazy! Don’t you live fairly close to a Fookin metropolis!?! You can’t tell me there’s not a damn audiologist standing around dreaming of a government contract :doh::doh::doh::doh:
Goodmorning everyone! :toke:
Was at the beach all day yesterday, came back all burned so I'm walking around like this today :rofl:


Luckily my son is half Mexican cause him and my wife only got a slight tan while I'm over here looking like a lobster :crying:
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Bringing a couple plants out to my mom for her mothers day present. Its 20/twenty sangria and gnome witchers creek. There outdoors and I feel like these two breeders would be more geared towards outdoors. Especially gnome I know he grows outdoors so his strains should do good or better maybe even outdoors. Could be way over thinking this but I wanna do good so next year I can bring and do more out there. Maybe a couple for myself too.
My boxer has one like this on her rear leg, we thought it was a tumor but it never grew in size. Had one boxer before that had one and it got really big. Hope duder heals fast! Fucking stud muffin of a dog you got there :crying:
We’re both adjusting to a different morning routine. I can tell it bums him out when I bring him back home, and head back out for another walk without him. :pass:
Seeing the peep leave is the toughest thing for a dog. Some put up with it, some not so much, but no dog likes being left behind. Our mutt spends her time alone curled up on a bench in the entrance of our house - as close as possible to where we will return. I think it bothers my wife as much as it does the dog - she hates leaving the little rascal behind.

Anyway sir, good luck with the adjustment, the duder is lucky to have you. :pighug:
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