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I wonder Bugsby would think about that?
Well I kind of question that video when they just plainly deny any improvement or change. They never back up or give any kind of reasoning why they came to such a conclusion.
I'm running a far red experiment in my 2X 4 tent. One is a known strain in that very same tent with the same main light. Now I am doing one barely influential thing differently on this run, I am ready CO2.
I don't think that added difference will influence the outcome that I'm looking for. I'm not necessarily looking for more production because of the far red, I'm looking for plant structure changes. I'm looking for changes in structure that I may be able to take advantage of.

I want to try and change the structure of a more short Stocky leaning indica with really tight in fat colas, To something with a slightly taller overall height and more open bud structure with more spacing.

I am kind of thinking that I may have put the wrong girl in this experiment. @Jean-O Crazy S1 is living up to her name! I topped her yesterday and this morning, I think within an hour of lights on, she was Praying harder, by quite a large margin, than she ever had. I could train maybe 4 branches, but I'm going to wait a few more days and see how the hormones get distributed after the topping.

We'll see what happens with this experiment. I still don't see how these guys came to that conclusion, with what they presented in the video. I find it a bit funny how they claim to me so scientific, yet they give no empirical data! :face: :gassy1::gassy::biggrin:
Fluence git their ass kicked by HLG and they still haven't recovered lol!
@pop22 Just thought I would post a pic of GDP auto from my 2022 Guerrilla grow. I think I got my seed from Alchimia.
GDP Auto

GDP auto just prior to harvest, fan leaves removed and a rough trim around the buds where there was no resin, anything with resin stayed!
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