Indoor KushNFT - Dark Devil, Candy Kush and Himalaya Orange Diesel Autos in NFT

Himalaya Orange Diesel is starting to look real nice with minimal leaves in the flowers.......this one has just grown on me:kiss:


Think that's the same bud I photographed 5 days ago....pic 3 above.

Candy Kush looks a bit more leafy but colas look longer:

Some of the yellow is hopefully down to the HPS being on. Not sure which one is on day 56 but Candy Kush is 3 days older than HOD.
First few are HOD, last pic CK.....




They've had a res change yesterday and more nutes, water and pH down today.....still getting good pH swings although EC drops are down to about 0.2 between topups which is about half what it was with these ones.
She smell of citrus yet

Hopefully she'll hit those notes yet.....the smell is more just dank weed as I've not been extracting to outside, just into the attic space and my carbon filter is still in the box.

Keeping the extracted air in the attic seems to have helped even out how productive my room is from front to back as last run I got the biggest buds towards the back of my room where the brick wall is and smaller buds towards the front where the doors are due to, I think, cold drafts so now I take the air from the hot side and pipe it round to the cool side. Humidity is better too......41% rather than 20-something.
Day 70 or so now.....

HOD left and Candy Kush right:

HOD bud pics:



Candy Kush bud pic:

Got a HOD taster bud on the rack and will get a bit of CK drying too.....they appear to be finishing up quite fast so may get harvested within the next week or so. Will have a look at trichome heads and get the tanks flushed out with a low dose of fresh nutes in preparation too.

It got hotter outside so I've reconnected my extractor to vent outside rather than just into the attic to control temps. Now I can smell again lol.....and the HOD is citrusy :)