Indoor KushNFT - Dark Devil, Candy Kush and Himalaya Orange Diesel Autos in NFT

I placed a humidifier, a heater with programmable thermostat and an oscillating fan in the room with them.

I was running a humidifier through veg but when extracting to outside it was pretty much a waste of 400W so I ended up using the temp controlled extractor fan in my grow room to move the hot air near the HPS to just vent into the larger attic space in a bid to keep the humidity up.

Might set my carbon filter up for next grow.....I don't need it when venting to outside but it might be handy to use as a scrubber when I'm not. It can get a bit stinky up here lol

It looks awesome! What strain is it? I want some! [emoji12]

Thanks buddy, that one was Dark Devil Auto from Sweet Seeds. I enjoyed that one so much I've none left.....seems to be a bit of a marmite strain but it's left me wanting to grow it again.:pass:
Oh.... that is some beauty's.... that orange is fantastic. Just love it!
Fairplay! they are monsters, the HOD looks really top shelf, its definitely got the look, the texture of buds look superbo, i think you can tell sometimes just by looking.
Cheers guys:smokeout:

She got a bit stretchy due to having to have the light high for the Dark Devil since it was about a month older. With CK I raised the res but then couldn't get it back down and the HOD I left to stretch.....think I'll stick to plants about the same age in future lol.


Current thinking is extend my room out to the left and add another 600W so I can stagger harvests and run more strains. That sound like a good plan to anyone else?:smoking:
Man my Dark devil has been a mutant the hole grow we are in flower now about week 2 of flower and she is growing good but just looks weird with some of the leafs ANY advice would be appreciated


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Man my Dark devil has been a mutant the hole grow we are in flower now about week 2 of flower and she is growing good but just looks weird with some of the leafs ANY advice would be appreciated

I think they're supposed to look like that lol......I don't see anything major to worry about. Pretty sure my leaves looked weird by the time she was a few weeks into flowering too:rofl:
I think they're supposed to look like that lol......I don't see anything major to worry about. Pretty sure my leaves looked weird by the time she was a few weeks into flowering too:rofl:
I am not to worried because she is growing great just looks crazy. Thanks for the reply
Time to do a bit of catching up here.....

short version is they are mostly chopped but I spaced on the HOD dry weight and the CK started showing rot so what's left is now drying.

HOD before chop:


I wouldn't pay much attention to the weight....the tub weighs 197g but I can't remember what had been taken out already, what was still on the rack and I've still got a bit to chop anyway as I didn't get it all done and figured I'd leave it to see if the lower buds filled out any.



(wet and not trimmed)


And what I've still got to sort out since it's all been a bit hectic and not exactly gone to plan:
Cheers bud:d5:

Loving the HOD flavour and I got a decent slow dry on it but temps have been much higher and humidity down to about 30% since I've been drying the CK so it's feeling a little crispy. I've tubbed the CK up hoping there's still some moisture inside to soften the crispyness on the outside.....and if not i'll pop in a not fully dry nug or two from what is left and the crispy bits can suck the moisture out of that.