Indoor KushNFT - Dark Devil, Candy Kush and Himalaya Orange Diesel Autos in NFT




Candy Kush:

Some in the res root pics as I had them empty for flushing out last night:



Note the sagging NFT tray at the top of pic.....heavy plant!

The sagging tray reduces the volume of nutrient solution I can put in the res as you need a gap between the tray and the res to stop the tray getting flooded and the plant displaying symptoms of over-watering. The gap between the tray and the nutrient solution helps oxygenate the res as the solution drips down too.
Some in the res root pics as I had them empty for flushing out last night:

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Note the sagging NFT tray at the top of pic.....heavy plant!

The sagging tray reduces the volume of nutrient solution I can put in the res as you need a gap between the tray and the res to stop the tray getting flooded and the plant displaying symptoms of over-watering. The gap between the tray and the nutrient solution helps oxygenate the res as the solution drips down too.
Holy shit thats a carpet bro awesome job and that pic of the DD is insane(throw a nug through the screen for me)have this :slap:
Thanks bud. Got a Dr Feelgood poking it's head out of a rockwool cube and hopefully an Afghan Kush Ryder and another Candy Kush not far behind. ...fingers crossed lol.

Will start a new journal for the new the hydro room so I get a badge?
Did I mention the branch that broke off the Candy Kush at the start of flowering on here? I think I did it with a watering can or it could have been when I was trying to get the res back down to ground level after raising it up for better light.....had to give up on getting it back down so it's still raised up a bit.

Thankfully it was a lower branch that didn't have far too fall and ended up resting on the cover over the NFT tray and hanging by the buds that had made it through the net so I just left it and have been really careful around it since.

Fantastic job bro that HOD looks yummy yummy you are going to have some really nice meds there my friend :pass:
Thanks buddy. Deffo looking forward to getting the HOD down after that tasty test bud....hoping to get the res flushed again later in preparation for chop.
Hopefully she'll hit those notes yet.....the smell is more just dank weed as I've not been extracting to outside, just into the attic space and my carbon filter is still in the box.

Keeping the extracted air in the attic seems to have helped even out how productive my room is from front to back as last run I got the biggest buds towards the back of my room where the brick wall is and smaller buds towards the front where the doors are due to, I think, cold drafts so now I take the air from the hot side and pipe it round to the cool side. Humidity is better too......41% rather than 20-something.
I placed a humidifier, a heater with programmable thermostat and an oscillating fan in the room with them.

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