Indoor Kindbud tests (for a friend)

Little update on pinky t x dc she is on days 38. its going great moved here into the flower tent a few days ago she took well to it. Pretty much done stretching definitely looking like its going to pack bud fast. And it’s definitely going to be purple by the looks of her. Been watering like every 3 or 2 days in this little one gal pot. she been taking well to the feeding of tecnafloral nutes. View attachment 1586485View attachment 1586486
Which nutes is it? The recipe for success starter kit? Gots alot.....
Little update on pinky t x dc she is on days 38. its going great moved here into the flower tent a few days ago she took well to it. Pretty much done stretching definitely looking like its going to pack bud fast. And it’s definitely going to be purple by the looks of her. Been watering like every 3 or 2 days in this little one gal pot. she been taking well to the feeding of tecnafloral nutes. View attachment 1586485View attachment 1586486
This?View attachment 1586499
Little update on pinky t x dc she is on days 38. its going great moved here into the flower tent a few days ago she took well to it. Pretty much done stretching definitely looking like its going to pack bud fast. And it’s definitely going to be purple by the looks of her. Been watering like every 3 or 2 days in this little one gal pot. she been taking well to the feeding of tecnafloral nutes. View attachment 1586485View attachment 1586486
Might have to get me some? Just like the results.....for one gal pots...
Yeah Im impressed with the results I got the kit for like 50 bucks was my first nutes used for a couple grows packed away Decided that im try and start to use up all this shit I got laying around. And started with this line.
29 days apollo black cherry for the seedstockers g&s. Same nutes same pot same soil. The two in front are 31 day old grapefruit from some shitty bean company that actually wasnt all that bad really.

stem is big as a sharpie already.
29 days apollo black cherry for the seedstockers g&s. Same nutes same pot same soil. The two in front are 31 day old grapefruit from some shitty bean company that actually wasnt all that bad really. View attachment 1586557View attachment 1586558View attachment 1586559
stem is big as a sharpie already.
View attachment 1586560
Must be something I'm doing no I know it's the mushrooms naturally full cycle living's so compact with only living'd have to see it....also little mushrooms pop up...weird....but only living soil I know near by...might just go coco ..I'm liken the results so far.....
@Shugrows I could fit a shit ton of those.....1gal bags....
I had some really shitty plants right before this set. Im in hf not coco but once they get big you got to water every other day maybe 3 if your lucky. Thats what I thought then my plants where way bigger then I was anticipating on.