Indoor #ProphsPlace

Another week..

Its funny how I don't even realize the amount of growth until I make these updates, lol.

So.. The five autos are down to three. I cut the two males a fee days ago. One I can tell is my pinky tuscadero auto because it's already showing color. I think the other two females are the 3bog x(ripleys x chemdogging). If one or both show color in a few weeks, I'll know I'm wrong, lol. I supercropped the main stem on the two mystery girls.. They both have crazy stretchy side branches that needed light. They all seem to be a tad bit stunted.. Probably due to being in the shorter tent with a lowered light early in life.. Other than that they are all doing fine and starting to flower. The Mac1 cut us definitely liking the autopot! She's moving a lot faster than when just in pot. Im begining to think that I dont water enough... Hmmm... The bigger Mac1 is now working it's way into the net. I think I'll let all of the photo period plants veg until the end of the month and flip them to flower all together. I clean up most of the lowers.. There are a few branches that ai hope make it up to the net. The four forbidden fruit crosses are ready to spread their wings.. Ill probably transplant them again in a week or so.. There isn't much food in a one gallon container and I don't wanna risk them running out again. I also don't wanna top dress a one gallon pot. It's been water only so far.. Next week I'll do a compost tea watering for all of them.


Pinky Tuscadero (my cross)

Mystery auto 1

Mystery auto 2

Baby Mac1

Forbidden Fruit Crosses
Did some moving around.. Decided to go ahead and flower out the photo periods now.. So I moved the autos to the veg tent (cob tent) until harvest. All three are doing well and have started to flower. Absolute pictures of health. One of the mystery seeds has started to show color so it's a pinky tuscadero as well. Most of them grow like the mystery seed and don't show color until a few weeks into flower.. And it's not a purple hue like the other one, most are pink like this one is turning.. The last unknown seeds is obviously a 3bog x ((chemdogging x Ripleys og). I can definitely tell now by the super wide structure and slower flower. The main mac1 cut is doing pretty awesome now.. I decided I just wanted all tops this time, so I lollipoped her pretty good. She has a bunch of tops above the net now and only a few left just under it. Hoping they fill in the middle area during stretch. The four forbidden fruit crosses are also doing well. One has shown sex as a female, 2 are male, and the last one is taking its time. I decided to just flower them out in their one gallon pots.. I didn't want to have to readjust the net to make room for bigger plants. They'll probably still stretch up into the net but hopefully not too bad. Same for the smaller mac1 cut. It will probably reach the netting but hopefully nothing crazy. All of the plants got a good watering of compost tea mixed with a little molasses. This is the compost tea I use.. It's super concentrated and is one of the best teas I've used. I use one once per gallon with one tsp of molasses. The plants love it. I use it like once a month or so. I think that's it for the update, lol.. Guess it's time for the show part of show and tell..

The three autos



Unnamed cross



Baby Mac1

Forbidden Fruit crosses

Compost tea
How do you move those big fabric pots of soil without too much shifting? Do the roots from the cover crops hold the soil together?
The big 15gal pots have handles on them so I literally just pick them up and move em.. Luckily it's never too far, lol. The cover crop does soo many things.. One them is the opposite of keeping the soil together. The roots of the cover crop actually create water ways and spaces for the cannabis roots to grow into.. All of the roots communicate with each other and exchange nutrients with each other as needed. It's a pest repellent as well.. It's mostly clovers and vetch.
Another week down.. The 2 Mac1 plants have done ok at at filling the back half of the net.. They are starting to build bud sets. By next updated they should be visible. I could have vegged both for another few weeks, but Im ready to move on to the next grow, lol. The 4 FF crosses are still going and doing well.. Confirmed 3 females and one male.. Gonna use the pollen and hit all three females to make f2 stock. Two of the females are looking like they will show color, which is always nice to see.. The autos are also doing well.. The 2 pinkys are putting on weight... The 3bog cross is a different animal, lol.. Im gonna need to work that line and nail in a more compact structure. The f1's get pretty big, lol. It will go a few weeks longer than the other two but it will be worth it! On to the pics..

Mac1 and Baby Mac1

FF crosses (The male is the bottom right corner plant)

Autos.. Group Shot

3BOG Cross


Another week down.. We're at like week 6-7 on the autos and like week 2 of flower for the photo period plants.

The autos are still doing well. I had to pinch the main stem on the unnamed cross. It was still stretching and getting pretty close to the light. I may have to pinch it again if it starts to straighten out. I think Im going to like that cross a lot. Definitely gonna grow more of them this coming yr. The 2 pinkies are still putting on weight. The pink pheno is starting to frost up pretty good. The purple pheno has bright yellow pistils that are turning bright orange as they mature and curl back. This is the first time I've seen that particular expression. Should be pretty cool looking once dried.

The photo tent is cruising along. The two mac1 cuts have filled in the back half of the tent pretty well for a rush job. They stretched more than I remembered from the last run. Both plants are showing bud sets and should be in mid flower in the next week or so.
The four forbidden fruit crosses are now three.. I pulled the male as soon as it was ready to drop pollen, which was a few days ago. It's isolated and has been dropping pollen daily. I'll probably cull it in the next few days. I decided to just pollinate one of the females. I chose the one that has been showing color since veg. One of the other two females is a little slower than the other. I don't think I mentioned the father of the FF cross. It's Mindscape by Gage Green. Which is Headwrecker x Mendo Montage. These are gonna be dank plants!

Ohhh.. I recently realized that I have an uninvited guest! So a couple of weeks ago when I was rotating the mac1 in the autopot, I noticed a seedling growing in the corner. All of my soil is reused soil, so this must have been a seed from a previous run that didn't germ, lol. I have no clue what it is. Auto or reg.. The first pic that it shows up in is on the Nov. 21st update. In that pic it looks like it's a couple of weeks old. Just gonna let it go and see what it leads to.. I'll be prepping cuts for my next run this coming week and may give a few more autos a run as well.


Unnamed cross

Pinky 1



FF cross 1 (pollinated)

FF cross 2

FF cross 3
End of week 7 of the journal, week 8 of life for the plants.. Looked back and checked and the autos were at least 7 days old when I started the journal.
The two pinky t's are cruising still.. They are swelling and putting out some rotten fruit aromas. They should be done in a couple of weeks.. The unnamed cross is about to be a beast. It still has about a month to go and is just starting to hit full flower. It's twice the size as the other two plants. I've bent the main cola twice and it's still just below the light. It's frosting up and looks like it will yield some nice golf ball nugs.

The two caps cuts are staring to frost up too.. They haven't started stacking weight yet but so expect them to do better than my last run since I removed all of the lowers.. Looks like a little color is staring to come through as well so we may see some purple due to the winter temps. Should start smelling like cereal and milk any week now.

The 3 FF crosses are also doing well still. I've neglected them a tad since they were intended only for a seed run. These were my last 4 seeds and I want to hunt this cross more. Got three more CapsCut girls in veg as well.. Next run In just gonna fill the scrog and flip.

Anywhoo.. Like I warned ya, my journals are pretty boring, lol... I did a top dress last week or so and that's about it.. Maybe one more tea if needed but we're in there home stretch with 2 of the autos and halfway home with the photos..

No sex yet on the mystery plant!

Picture day!!


Pinky 1

Pinky 2

Unnamed cross



Autopot capscut

15gal CapsCut

FF cross 1

FF Cross 2

Seeded FF cross

CapsCut babies vegging for next round
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Day 68 for the autos... Start of week 4 of flower for the photos.. Not much new to report. The pink pheno autp will probably get the chop before next weekend. If so I'll do another update. The purple pheno has a little more than a week left. These two phenos are pretty much locked in.. The pink pheno is like all of the other pink phenos I've grown. Top shelf stuff.. The gas smell literally makes you cough or shake your head.. The purple pheno is always the bigger yielder with the sweeter terp profile. The leaves on the purple pheno are starting to fade a bit so it's showing signs of being close to the end. The unnamed cross is still beasting away. It will go for a while. It smells like oranges of all things, lol. I did plant 3 more Pinky T seeds in the pot though, lol. So by the time I chop these, the seedling will be above ground and already growing.

The flower tent is cruising along. I usually chop the mac1 cut at 63 days but I was advised to take her to 70 to get more of that yoghurt terp coming through. So we are at the half wat point. Another month or so! The cereal and milk smell is definitely apparent now.

I didn't get a pic of the FF crosses this week.. Forgot, lol.. But the seeded plant smells exactly like grape bubble gum so I grabbed a cut of it to reveg and grow out later.

The three mac1 cuts for next round are getting big! They'll be ready as soon as the current mac1 plants get chopped!

The mystery plant is still a mystery, but it's a female mystery so she gets to stay around, lol.

I've also got my classic Forbidden Fruit cut and Tikimans cut of Melonade in the veg tent rooting for next round.

Picture day..


Purple Pinky

Pink Pinky

Unnamed cross

Mac1 CapsCut

Mac1's for next round
And then there were two!! So I chopped the pink pheno on day 70 and it's drying now.. I want to see the difference between a 70day a d 80 day harvest. The purple pheno will get the axe Thursday. The unnamed cross is starting to fill in and smells like oranges.. Which I would have never guessed, lol.. It still has 3-4 weeks left if not longer.. The flower tent is moving right along. This is week 5 for them.. So 3-4 weeks left.. I've neglected the 3 FF crosses a good amount. Not really though.. The issue is that they were flowered in 1 gallon pots.. I knew the spoil would run out of food before they finished.. *Grow Tip* The smaller the pot, the smaller the food source! The bigger the pot, the bigger the food source.. I only wanted them for a seed run though, so mission accomplished.. The seeds should be good to go in a week or two... I'm thinking of killing off the other two females because I really had no plan for them and they are super hungry. I don't feel like mixing nutrients, lol.. The Mac1 in the autopot started showing signs of under feeding on a couple of leaves. (For the same reason.. Smaller pot.. 4gal auto pot vs. 15 gal fabric pot) I turned off the res and top dressed it a few days ago.. That should slow down the spread of yellowing.. The bigger plant is in the zone.. Just perfectly chillin.. Looks like it wi start showing a little color soon.. The three Mac1 cuts that are vegging have all been topped a few times and are spreading out. I've got cuts of the orignal forbidden fruit and MB15 rooting on the bottom of the auto/veg tent that I'll probably throw in flower next round as well.

Purple Pinky

Unnamed Cross

Mac1 autopot

Mac1 15gal fabric pot

Vegging Mac1s for next round..
