D75: pre-harvest pictures
Day 75. Final pictures before harvest (taken earlier this week).

It's time. Well, it was probably time a week ago, but I wanted to give the seeds extra time to mature. In time lapse now it's clear that the buds are done putting on mass. Trichomes are thoroughly cloudy with some amber.


The Purple Nuggets didn't get anywhere near as much light as the others because it was so short, and it never really stretched either. It should still be good for a couple dense buds, but maybe in the winter I'll do a SOG with several PN & SN sometime so they can really excel without taller neighbors crowding them out.


Nice color though, and the trim looks like it will be great for sifting.


The White Crack was still pretty main-cola-dominant, despite the topping. One of the mains got ahead of the other.


The lowers are dense though, and there are walnut-sized buds all over. Probably not much larf on this one. Strong sweet citrusy smells, familiar from other Walter White crosses. :biggrin:


The Grape Crinkle has several long sticky colas and smells great (sweet/fruity). I have a really good feeling about this one. Should have a bunch of seeds, especially the GC x Zamaldelica Express branch (green zip tie).


Top cola.


Good structure on the Anvil, several long dense upper colas.

Not visible here, but since taking the pictures more of the stigmas have withered.


Purple purple purple.


The SAD also has a couple fairly dense upper colas, and it looks like the lower branches I pollinated should have a good seed yield too. The SAD was the only one that was still prone to leaning/tipping, which is why it has a hydrogen peroxide bottle counterweight here.


Good density, frosty, smells sweet.


I don't want one very thick main cola because of mold, but topping helps to spread that mass between multiple "main" colas. The SAD's filled out pretty nicely.
Trimmed and curing
Trimming is done, the buds are jarred up. The pollinated branches will keep hanging for a couple more weeks to thoroughly dry out and make seed extraction easier, then I'll see how many seeds I got of the various crosses.



It will be a couple weeks before I have weights, but it looks like less yield than last time. I got quart jars of the GC and SAD, pint jars of WC and Anvil, a half-pint jar from the PN, and a quart jar of very frosty trim to sift later. The seeded branches would probably have added about 1/3 more to each, maybe 1/2 more for the Anvil and GC. On the low side of average for solo cups, I guess, but plenty to try of each.

Nothing has the "hay" smell anymore, and the curing smells are developing now. The Anvil smells distinctly like Anvil (heh), like some kind of earthy purple potpourri perhaps? The GC slaps me in the face with strong and sweet when I open the jar, like a tropical fruit I can't identify. The SAD suddenly has a Fruity Pebbles note, a pleasant surprise. I don't know what combination of terpenes that is, but I love it. I previously had a Fugue State smell very strongly like that, plus jasmine. The PN is kind of skunky and earthy, with a bit of fruit in the back. The WC smells good but not so distinct/identifiable yet.


My cannabrush is really effective on denser buds like these (WC pictured). With the WC, PN, and SAD I only needed a quick second pass with the scissors, the brush got most of the leaves in just a few sweeps.
Stable dry weights and seed extraction
After a few weeks of curing, the jars have stabilized around 60-62% RH.

I weighed everything, a bit over 90g total: a quart jar for the GC, pint jars for the WC, SAD, and Anvil, and a half-pint jar for the PN (which was already small, and I used half its branches for making seeds). That's about half as much as last time, but one died, I culled another, and the problems during veg probably slowed down growth a bit. It's a decent jar of each to try though, and I got plenty of seeds from the lower branches, so I'm still happy with how it turned out. :)


(a small bud of Purple Nuggets)

The exact weights are iffy, the empty jars' weights are less consistent than I thought. For the total above, I tared with the average of my empty jars in that size. If I wanted to be more accurate I could weigh each individual jar when empty, but keeping track of that doesn't seem worth the trouble, and neither does dumping them out to check. I'm growing for personal use, not selling anything, so "about 3/4 of a quart jar" seems good enough. I can be more precise when I'm making edibles.


About 75 seeds of PN x Anvil#3. ("R/A" = Regular/Autoflowering.)

Over the weekend I extracted all the seeds from the pollinated branches: I got about 200 seeds each of the crosses I was most interested in (Purple Nuggets x Anvil, Grape Crinkle x Zamaldelica Express), 75 of SAD x Anvil, 30 of GC x Blue Microverse, 100 Anvil x Anvil, and 10-35 of several other crosses I made because I could (SAD x BM, WC x BM, WC x ZE, etc.), for roughly 750 seeds total. Oh, and about a gram of kief from sifting during seed extraction, and I'm sure the trim will yield more once frozen.

The Blue Microverse pollen I collected in June of 2020 (two years ago) is still producing seeds, and I have a few tubes left in my freezer, along with more recent Zamaldelica Express and Anvil pollen. I've collected pollen from three different Anvil males (using each in the crosses above, on different branches) and kept track of which seeds came from which, so if one passed better traits I can focus on those seeds. I made a separate post with tips for making seeds in a single tent, but the combination of a pollen isolation bin and freezing pollen for hand-pollinating later grows is a game changer for making seeds on the side of a personal grow. :wiz:

I will post reviews once I've tried all the strains a couple times.

Great journal, thanks for sharing!

Quite a nice amount of seeds :thumbsup:

How do you store your pollen? If I remember you cut it with flower? Any specific kind/method?

Yes, I stretch/dilute the pollen with flour: I dry a few tablespoons of AP flour in the toaster oven (10 min at ~200 F), let it cool, then set that aside. As I collect pollen, I mix it 1 part pollen to very roughly 10 parts flour, then put that in little centrifuge tubes like pictured above -- typically the smaller size (0.5ml), about half full, because I only use a little at a time and thawing/refreezing the same tube could deactivate it. More tiny tubes allows more applications, each pollination doesn't need much.

Clarke's Marijuana Botany recommends using 10 - 100 parts flour to 1 part pollen, no need to be too precise.
I stuck the 2/3-full pint jar of trim from the seed extraction in the freezer for a couple days. Five minutes of pollen shaker action just sifted out a bit over 2.5g of kief. Is that good? That seems good. I didn't weigh the trim, though. Back in the freezer for another round later.
quick strain reviews
Now that I've tried all of them at least a couple times, some quick reviews:

- Anvil: I've grown Anvil before, and it's got the same distinct terp profile and flavor -- dark, earthy, with something purple and floral in the mix. Body effects, relaxing and sleepy. Strikingly purple. I've made a bunch of seeds with the Anvil males, both Anvil x Anvil and crosses, and I expect I'll be growing them for a long time. It's a keeper.

- Grape Crinkle: This is SO good. :biggrin: Even if only the GC had made it to harvest, I'd still consider this grow a success. Tastes great, smells wonderful, blissful high. I've grown and loved several GC crosses (Double Grape, 4AM, and especially Grapey Walter), but I'm really happy I could finally grow this one directly.

- Purple Nuggets: just like the Strawberry Nuggets I've grown before, though the purple flower looks cooler. Kinda muddled terps, a little skunky with berry-ish fruit, though not "strawberry" specifically. Really oily flower. Couchlocky and heavily sleepy; SN has been my go-to for insomnia, to the point that it's more of a medicinal than recreational strain for me. I feel like in order to see this at its best, I might need to do a SOG of all PN & SN, because otherwise they tend to end up shorter than everything surrounding them and don't get as much light.

- S.A.D.: This definitely has a lot of Black Domina in it. Relaxing and satisfying heavy indica buzz. It's just like dispensary BD flower I've tried, but seems a bit stronger. That flower had been tested at 16-17%, and while I don't have a way to measure, I wouldn't be surprised if my S.A.D. was closer to 18-20%. It also has much nicer terps than the dispensary flower: artificial berry flavoring, like Fruity Pebbles. Pretty dense buds. Super happy with how this turned out.

- White Crack: Very strong! Spacey, loopy, confusing, and then sleepy. Probably a good painkiller. Good density. It had sweet citrusy terps late in the grow, but now something complex and funky I can't identify dominates the smell.