That's saltwater out there bro, rest of the world at the doorstep

Yep this is not a region known for sunshine which is generally fine with me lol, but not the greatest for canna...I'm still working out how to grow here

The monks are part of that, they are photoperiod plants from Hybrids from Hell in Denmark. they've been bred for the far north for many years it sounds like. I don't know what makes them tick but they sure can take the weather. There was a bit of BR on the seeded ones, as if the seeding compromised their defenses. This strain was mainly for breeding purposes to cross with other strains for toughness so we'll see how that works out. it's not known for stellar bud but it looks like it will produce ok. I've just got one unfertilized female, the one in the pic. Haven't really tested it.

It's just fun to grow a plant that isn't so unhappy:smoking: