Indoor Jay does 5 x Sour Bubblies and one Inc Bulk, easy2GO w/biotabs

Sorry mate def stoned cos they look like air pots to my red eyes lol. What's the autopot bit? Told you I didn't understand! lol

No worries, yep using Airpots, beauty of this is u can use any pot format, and you don't make your existing setup redundant unlike normal Autopots.

Maybe autopot themselves make more sense than stoned me, check this out m8:

Bit of a facepalm moment :doh: when I read this and Sang/witchy's comment above, as you're all right it's not ideal so may have to do a reset on it soon. I'm using a fish net to filter any stray crap at mo!

Good to have ya here bro, had to share this with u having made so many comments on your own journal.:thumbsup:

Thanks mate, v kind, wish u all the best with yours, which I'm following.

Cheers Trip, great getting interest from an AFN legend!

Ouch ur calling me on my bullshit jay:shrug:...sorry i wasnt looking sooner have many various excuses but im glad to show up better late than never....would of missed this biotab experiment of yours.
Ouch ur calling me on my bullshit jay:shrug:...sorry i wasnt looking sooner have many various excuses but im glad to show up better late than never....would of missed this biotab experiment of yours.

Ha ha love this, is it the sativa talking? No dig or anything untoward intended bro! It's tricky covering all the good stuff on AFN, probs missing all sorts of amazing shit as I type this. I just wanted to invite all the folk who I've encountered in my short time on here.

BTW, u said a lot more than some folk on the invite already, all the best pal. KIG
