Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopots w/Fast Buds G14 & Grapefruit Autos

This looks amazing! I need to do this, but I can't work out what a GOM is? Google failed me...
Green Oil Machine is the device. It's basically an alcohol distiller, so you can reclaim the food grade alcohol used in the process, leaving you with some nice cannabis oil.
Just a quick picture on day 52. In the midst of changing reservoir and other chores, will have better pictures up later. Peace, out!
Well time got away from me and I didn't get much time in the garden so new pics will be up tomorrow. I have started some of the DP Auto Mazar seeds, that I created last year, for a friend of mine. Getting ready to deliver them to his grow this week. Got them in solo cups with Biobizz light and 25% perlite mixed in with it and watered with recharge. So far 7 out of eight have popped their heads above the soil. I magnified the top of each cup to show them better.
Hemi that g14 is gonna swallow that tent rigjt did u get her to expand out like that?? Almost like it was topped or fimmed
No fimming, no topping, just bent the main cola over with some ties and allowed her side colas to catch up. Then release for a couple days. When the main starts to outpace the side colas again you tie it down again. Once you have a fairly even canopy you then tie all the side colas, of which your main is now one of them, outward away from the center. Trying to maintain the even height of the canopy while trying to get them as low as the middle of the plant. This allows the colas trying to come up from the center to advance upwards. I usually keep it there for a couple days until the center colas have shot up. Then I untie every thing and see where it goes from there. With autos I also usually stop training at this point because they are autos you can only mess with them so long. If they were photos I have been known to do much longer and severe training.

I tried the same with the Grapefruit, but she is very tough and difficult to bend over easily. I think she normally must have the traditional Xmas tree shape because by training her main over all I did was make a cabbage. She has started to stretch a little but I have a feeling she might wind up being a tight bouquet of flowers. I don't mind topping autos but I missed my window for doing so, which is usually between 14-21 days. Was too busy trying to dial in the autopots.
Well time got away from me and I didn't get much time in the garden so new pics will be up tomorrow.
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Ha ha, did you suffer from "Stoners Lapse" ?it's a condition unique to us tokers that results in scheduled jobs being postponed, nearly got me the other day, thought I'd have to say something similar on my thread ;)
Ha ha, did you suffer from "Stoners Lapse" ?it's a condition unique to us tokers that results in scheduled jobs being postponed, nearly got me the other day, thought I'd have to say something similar on my thread ;)
It's worse than that, I am a chronic procrastinator even when not stoned. Add herbs and it just blooms out of control. I love the LSD25 because it actually makes you want to get up and do something. As opposed to the DP Auto Mazar which can lock you into a chair for a couple hours at at time.
It's worse than that, I am a chronic procrastinator even when not stoned. Add herbs and it just blooms out of control. I love the LSD25 because it actually makes you want to get up and do something. As opposed to the DP Auto Mazar which can lock you into a chair for a couple hours at at time.

Yeah same Hems, I definitely will sit on jobs when feeling indecisive, and yes I'm definitely more into the get up and go stains, the SB seems that way. I need that like 75% of the day, with couch lock only required at the very end of the day, growing more sativary with age, lol.
I feel the transition should be gradual. I like to add 25% bloom nutes to 75% veg nutes. One thing I don't like about most "bloom" formulas is they contain no N. Plants still need some N even in flower, so I then go to 75% bloom-25% veg. I've also ran just veg nutes the entire grow and plan to continue using that method.

@pop22 very interesting approach.. do i understand correctly that you basically mix veg nutes and then flowering nutes and then mix those 75/25?