Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopots w/Fast Buds G14 & Grapefruit Autos

Really nice update Hemi, good pics, and lovely girls.

So are you feeding at 5.2 ph? Seems low to me, especially if your flowering. I thought that 6.0-6.3 was ideal for coco, during flower. Correct me if i am a dumbass.
Perhaps you leave room for ph drift?

You're feeding as low as 5.2 pH AND using the AN CalMag which is high in Nitro, yet your plants look good -- I don't see signs of CaMg deficiency or Nitro Tox. I've been wrestling with a bit of both and trying to find the key. I had avoided any pH testing (cause I'm using Coco and AN nutes), but recently checked and saw I was serving up a mix at 5.3. I've stopped using the AN CalMag in favor of the low N version from General Organics. Now I'm gona try to raise my pH.

But I'm really encouraged to see what you're doing and how well its working out. P.S. I have AutoPots and BioTabs on order for my 2nd grow which I hope to start in May.
You're feeding as low as 5.2 pH AND using the AN CalMag which is high in Nitro, yet your plants look good -- I don't see signs of CaMg deficiency or Nitro Tox. I've been wrestling with a bit of both and trying to find the key. I had avoided any pH testing (cause I'm using Coco and AN nutes), but recently checked and saw I was serving up a mix at 5.3. I've stopped using the AN CalMag in favor of the low N version from General Organics. Now I'm gona try to raise my pH.

But I'm really encouraged to see what you're doing and how well its working out. P.S. I have AutoPots and BioTabs on order for my 2nd grow which I hope to start in May.
I think it's the pH perfect of AN nutrients and the Recharge. The bacteria and myco in it helps to establish the pH to what the biosphere needs and in doing so feeds the plants. As for my 5.2 pH, got up this morning and it had drifted up to 6.3. I will never proclaim to be a pH expert, cause this shit can drive a person crazy. Next grow BioTabs and me saying pH, who cares about pH.
It's only a mere 360 watts at the wall in bloom mode but the Platinums seem to really keep plants compact. The tent is 70 inches tall and the lights are near the top with little room left. I have two of the P300s and might experiment next grow with less light.

Only other anomaly I have seen in my grow area is that my house naturally has a lot of CO2. I purchase a CO2 meter and found my grow area ranges from 1200-2000 ppm in the course of one day, even with constant ventilation. Even the living area of my house does this and I have no idea why it is so high. Same meter outside reads 400 which is normal. How the extra co2 is messing with a grow not setup for it, I am not sure. Any ideas on this would really be appreciated.

Sounds highly beneficial for the plants but not poor Hemi! I suppose CO2 within an enclosed space will always cause a deficit between that and outside. Though is it standard to be so high? At least the ladies are benefiting, I wonder what the level is at my groom. :confused1:
Sounds highly beneficial for the plants but not poor Hemi! I suppose CO2 within an enclosed space will always cause a deficit between that and outside. Though is it standard to be so high? At least the ladies are benefiting, I wonder what the level is at my groom. :confused1:
I have since started leaving all the windows in my house cracked. Apparently in a house 1000-2000ppm has been linked with complaints of drowsiness. I have lived here for 20+ years and the house has been here for over 100 years. I originally thought the meter was out of whack but after calibrating and testing outdoors I have to agree my house has high co2.
Even the living area of my house does this and I have no idea why it is so high. Same meter outside reads 400 which is normal. How the extra co2 is messing with a grow not setup for it, I am not sure. Any ideas on this would really be appreciated.

How old is house and insulation/windows....plays a big part.

If you don't have good air circ inside...i.e. Attic fan etc, co2 levels build.

Stand by your front door a minute after you open then close, check levels and see it's exchange. Being it's still cooler out, homes haven't been opened up fully since wintering...
How old is house and insulation/windows....plays a big part.

If you don't have good air circ inside...i.e. Attic fan etc, co2 levels build.

Stand by your front door a minute after you open then close, check levels and see it's exchange. Being it's still cooler out, homes haven't been opened up fully since wintering...
House was built over 100 years ago and not until three years ago had anything really been done to the house. At that time it had a shingled roof which was replaced with all new wood and a metal roof. Also replaced all the windows with double pane windows from the old single pane that were there. I don't think there are any attic fans at all. Will be interesting to see what happens when I can open the house next week as I only got my co2 meter after it got cold this year.

Also replaced all the siding two years ago. In addition there is no central heat or air in the house
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Day 58

Day 58 was really yesterday and I mixed up 10 liters of mix for the girls. They drank 10+ liters in six days if you count the extra liters of recharge I top fed during the week. I'm still keeping it down to ten liters at a time so with each fill up I can transition the girls from grow to bloom nutrients 25% at a time. Dropped the B52 and started the Big Bud. The pH ends up after mixing at 5.48 but after aerating for a couple hours it was up to 5.7 so will let it range where it is. Just for giggles I checked the pH of the water in the trays and it is at 6.3.

  • AN Cal/mag 2ml per liter 0.79EC 6.25pH
  • Grow/Bloom nutrients works out to 1.5ml/liter 50% Grow/50% Bloom nutrients. After mixing: 1.6 EC 5.71pH
  • AN Big Bud .75ml per liter 1.67 EC 5.71pH
  • AN Carboload 2ml per liter 1.66EC 5.53pH
  • Terpinator 25ml total 1.89EC 5.47pH
  • Dripclean 1 ml per 10liter. 1.91EC 5.48pH
I will post new photos tomorrow. Happy Growing everyone.
Day 59

Pictures as promised. Grapefruit is still less than 15 inches tall and is not inspiring confidence in this strain. The G14 is, on the other hand developing nicely. Seeing tip burn ever since I started switching over to bloom and it is getting worse. So last night I added some fresh water to the reservoir bringing down the EC from 1.9 to 1.6. Will back off the strength of my mix next reservoir change. I also top fed 750ml of Recharge into each pot this morning.

Grapefruit Auto


Group Shots
