Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopots w/Fast Buds G14 & Grapefruit Autos

@Sensi Jay what kind of strains would you recommend as "up and go" strains :)

I'm no expert, but usually something more sativa leaning will mean more high and less stone, also chopping earlier on any strain will cause this. I'd definitely recommend sour bubbly by mephisto, v euphoric but focused.
@pop22 very interesting approach.. do i understand correctly that you basically mix veg nutes and then flowering nutes and then mix those 75/25?
I'm not sure how @pop22 does it but I just mixed my first batch like this and I wanted 10 liters at 1.5 ml/liter total of those 4 bottles of nutes starting at 75/25%. So I added 11.25ml of Grow A and B and then added 3.75ml of Bloom A and B. Is that the right way to do it, probably not ,but will see if it hurts.

@Sensi Jay what kind of strains would you recommend as "up and go" strains :)
Sensi Jay is correct about sativas being more uplifting and harvesting early when trichs are still clear to cloudy will have that effect. The Fast Buds LSD25 I grew last time are mostly indica but they even warn that it's effects lean toward the sativa I find it very uplifting and really pings your creative side.
Ok been screwing off keeping my journal up to date and actually changed the reservoir two days ago back on day 52. Here is a list of the current feed mix. I mixed up only 10 liters because I want to transition them from grow to bloom nutes and they will go through 10 liters rather quickly. I also top fed 750ml each of Recharge before turning on the reservoir. Trying to keep track of water depth in the reservoir so will be adding it to some posts just as a note for myself. 10 liters measures at the center of the reservoir at 5 and 7/8 inches or 15 cm.
  • AN Cal/mag 2ml per liter 0.77EC 6.15pH
  • Grow/Bloom nutrients works out to 1.5ml/liter 75% Grow/25% Bloom nutrients. After mixing: 1.6 EC 5.41pH
  • AN B52 1.5ml per liter 1.79 EC 5.40pH
  • AN Carboload 2ml per liter 1.80 EC 5.25pH
  • Terpinator ml total 2.06 EC 5.22pH
  • Dripclean 1 ml per 10liter. 2.08EC 5.28ph
Day 54

Grapefruit Auto
She is just a mass of very stiff, rock hard, stems and bud sites. I did not realize they called it grapefruit because it grows like one. :rofl: I'm sure she will still produce some buds not sure how much.


Now as for this lady, she is more beautiful every day and will most likely be my submission for the contest. Main cola is trying to take off in the back of the shot there so might have to tie her back down as she is starting to leave the side colas behind. Just two days ago the canopy was almost perfectly even. Now, not so much. :smoking:

Group Shots

As always, if you see something, say something. All questions, comments, and criticism welcome. We can only learn more from each other. :vibes:
Really nice update Hemi, good pics, and lovely girls.

So are you feeding at 5.2 ph? Seems low to me, especially if your flowering. I thought that 6.0-6.3 was ideal for coco, during flower. Correct me if i am a dumbass.
Perhaps you leave room for ph drift?
Really nice update Hemi, good pics, and lovely girls.

So are you feeding at 5.2 ph? Seems low to me, especially if your flowering. I thought that 6.0-6.3 was ideal for coco, during flower. Correct me if i am a dumbass.
Perhaps you leave room for ph drift?
Yea next day it was at 5.6 and climbing with an air stone. Plus the recharge goes in at almost 8.5 in the top feed so I figure it should be balancing out in the tray. Your no dumbass, I'm just not much for chasing pH. If it's somewhere between 5.5-6.5 I leave it alone. It it starts to drop instead of pH up I throw in an airstone for 12 hours and it usually starts coming up.

Starting my extra pots before the next full moon with Sweet Seeds Dark Devils and BioTabs and can't wait to just put the pens and meters away. Already have the coco flushed and recharged with Recharge, seeds drop tomorrow in water, then hopefully in the pots and above the ground in time for the moon.

Thanks for watching out, its these kinds of comments that keeps me honest and makes me explain my convoluted thought process sometimes. At times, it even makes me rethink my ideas as well, not always a bad thing.
Fwiw i been dumping 6.0 ph nutes in the res, and don't think ive checked it once so far. So idk if ph even matters when using recharge. Both our plants look good, so guessing that its working fine.

I deffo want to watch your biotabs grow, so tag me in sir.

That was really my only concern, but seems to be a non issue.

Hope them girls will behave and stretch some for you. Your lights must be beasts to keep them so compact for so long. Do you have room to raise them? Trying to figure out why.
Fwiw i been dumping 6.0 ph nutes in the res, and don't think ive checked it once so far. So idk if ph even matters when using recharge. Both our plants look good, so guessing that its working fine.

I deffo want to watch your biotabs grow, so tag me in sir.

That was really my only concern, but seems to be a non issue.

Hope them girls will behave and stretch some for you. Your lights must be beasts to keep them so compact for so long. Do you have room to raise them? Trying to figure out why.
It's only a mere 360 watts at the wall in bloom mode but the Platinums seem to really keep plants compact. The tent is 70 inches tall and the lights are near the top with little room left. I have two of the P300s and might experiment next grow with less light.

Only other anomaly I have seen in my grow area is that my house naturally has a lot of CO2. I purchase a CO2 meter and found my grow area ranges from 1200-2000 ppm in the course of one day, even with constant ventilation. Even the living area of my house does this and I have no idea why it is so high. Same meter outside reads 400 which is normal. How the extra co2 is messing with a grow not setup for it, I am not sure. Any ideas on this would really be appreciated.
It's only a mere 360 watts at the wall in bloom mode but the Platinums seem to really keep plants compact. The tent is 70 inches tall and the lights are near the top with little room left. I have two of the P300s and might experiment next grow with less light.

Only other anomaly I have seen in my grow area is that my house naturally has a lot of CO2. I purchase a CO2 meter and found my grow area ranges from 1200-2000 ppm in the course of one day, even with constant ventilation. Even the living area of my house does this and I have no idea why it is so high. Same meter outside reads 400 which is normal. How the extra co2 is messing with a grow not setup for it, I am not sure. Any ideas on this would really be appreciated.

That IS wierd. Good thing you got something making O2 for you. Man 2000ppm is what supplemental co2 grows shoot for iirc. I think the plants like it much warmer and can't remember rh, but i have seen a chart before. It's like a vpd chart that shows optimum rh, temp, co2, ect. Might be vdp chart, too stoned right now.
That IS wierd. Good thing you got something making O2 for you. Man 2000ppm is what supplemental co2 grows shoot for iirc. I think the plants like it much warmer and can't remember rh, but i have seen a chart before. It's like a vpd chart that shows optimum rh, temp, co2, ect. Might be vdp chart, too stoned right now.
Since I found this out I have had every window in my house cracked just a little regardless of the outside temp. Those levels of co2 are a tad high for humans, as above 1000-2000 are known to cause drowsiness.