Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopots w/Fast Buds G14 & Grapefruit Autos

A pain you will never feel, once using the tabs!
That's what I'm hoping for. I am running into heavy resistance from some local growers I know. Lots of doubts as to what they can do. I just keep saying, shut up and let's grow with some and see what happens. I hear the same from some folks online as well. So I'm pretty determined to use them just as per @Biotabs F69 instructions. If it starts to go bad I will continue one normal and amend the other to see what is lacking, trying to keep the amendments as organic as possible.

I find a lot of the negativity is because my friends are all outdoor growers and are always just a couple grams away from being out of bud, so they are much less willing to experiment.

Hemi it looks great. I'm still finishing off my first grow, so I'm hopeful that my learning curve will be like yours.
Yours are running long but looking good, I bet you a bud you pull more weight than I did the first time.

Some days I look at these girls and wonder which way my learning curve is going. :p Was just looking at pics of my first grow at the same day and the LSD25 was much taller than both of these girls. Still hoping these girls get their stretch on, especially the Grapefruit, she still looks like a cabbage. :smoking:
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The Grapefruit's normal color is a mid green, not dark, I thought the same thing when I grew some, they go from looking light green to Ntoxic in a matter of days if feed too much. Keep an eye on it, Where your at now with nutes is where I leveled of
Thanks, :d5: Good info to know, she has been running that lime green with yellow streaks since she was toddler. I'm really pushing the G14 at 1.5ml as she is about as green as she can be without turning into a pine tree, so,will probably hold here until the switch to bloom nutrients.

The switch is what always worry me, never know if I should back off when switching or not. Nice thing about the reservoir is I can just start them off with a few liters and see how they react. Last time I was traveling so much all I could do was add 15-20 liters and run out the door. Any suggestions on strength when switching to bloom?
I feel the transition should be gradual. I like to add 25% bloom nutes to 75% veg nutes. One thing I don't like about most "bloom" formulas is they contain no N. Plants still need some N even in flower, so I then go to 75% bloom-25% veg. I've also ran just veg nutes the entire grow and plan to continue using that method.
Think about organic soil grows, the nutes never change yet organic plants do fine. Why should it be different when using packaged nutrients? Well other than the companies want to sell you more!

Thanks, :d5: Good info to know, she has been running that lime green with yellow streaks since she was toddler. I'm really pushing the G14 at 1.5ml as she is about as green as she can be without turning into a pine tree, so,will probably hold here until the switch to bloom nutrients.

The switch is what always worry me, never know if I should back off when switching or not. Nice thing about the reservoir is I can just start them off with a few liters and see how they react. Last time I was traveling so much all I could do was add 15-20 liters and run out the door. Any suggestions on strength when switching to bloom?
I feel the transition should be gradual. I like to add 25% bloom nutes to 75% veg nutes. One thing I don't like about most "bloom" formulas is they contain no N. Plants still need some N even in flower, so I then go to 75% bloom-25% veg. I've also ran just veg nutes the entire grow and plan to continue using that method.
Think about organic soil grows, the nutes never change yet organic plants do fine. Why should it be different when using packaged nutrients? Well other than the companies want to sell you more!
I agree about the making money. I have run a couple plants with nothing but FloraNova Bloom before with no deficiencies.
I'm running AN Sensi coco bloom all the way, the 4-0-0 Sensi calmag gives them a nice N boost in veg. Bought some GO calmag that's 1-0-0 for flower, but my first 5 gallon res i mixed with 5mls/G left my girls rusty in 3 days time. Maybe a double dose would fix that? Or maybe GO is no good in coco? Still experimenting here.
I'm running AN Sensi coco bloom all the way, the 4-0-0 Sensi calmag gives them a nice N boost in veg. Bought some GO calmag that's 1-0-0 for flower, but my first 5 gallon res i mixed with 5mls/G left my girls rusty in 3 days time. Maybe a double dose would fix that? Or maybe GO is no good in coco? Still experimenting here.
Can't help you there. I've only used AN Cal/Mag plus and on some outdoor grows I've used Technaflora's cal/mag. Would depend if they were rusty from the tips in or the center out. At 1.3ml per liter I don't think you would be burning them.
I'm running AN Sensi coco bloom all the way, the 4-0-0 Sensi calmag gives them a nice N boost in veg. Bought some GO calmag that's 1-0-0 for flower, but my first 5 gallon res i mixed with 5mls/G left my girls rusty in 3 days time. Maybe a double dose would fix that? Or maybe GO is no good in coco? Still experimenting here.
I'll be watching you real close on this one. I've now got both AN's Cal Mag Xtra (with its 4% nitrogen) and GO's 1-0-0 CaMg+ --- and trying to find the right choice and dosage for later Veg phase now that I've turned on my COB lights.
That LSD25 I grew last time is some badass weed. I smoked that shit after my shift at work and suddenly I find myself BSing on the internet all night, cleaning the kitchen, make some cannabis oil. I swear, it's an indica mostly strain and doesn't make you anxious, but gives you lots of energy. :hookah:

Oh and did I mention making CO? Here's a couple pictures from along the way. I took about a pound of trim from last years harvest, stuff it all in two half gallon mason jars, froze the heck out of them, along with a gallon of food grade ethanol. Then did a quick wash of each jar where I filled each one with ethanol and almost immediately poured it through a filter. The resulting liquid looks like this.

Run these two bottles of golden sunshine through a GOM and suddenly your ethanol looks like this.

Back to good old fashion 190 proof hooch. Left inside of the GOM is this elixir of honey goodness.

From a half gallon of ethanol you are left with this small mixture off alcohol and resin. Probably two shots of booze still in there. Leave it on the counter by a window overnight to evaporate and it will be the bomb! Can't wait to see how much I got from the first quick wash. Still at least two more washes to do.

Yea, yea, yea, I looked in on the girls tonight and the babies. The girls are getting their stretch on and the babies five have their heads above the soil. As usual all is the usual boring Autopot magic.

Anyhow, that's how I spent my Saturday evening after work. What did you folks all do?

All this written under the influence of LSD25 and the stuff that was on the end of the spatula when making oil. :rofl:
That LSD25 I grew last time is some badass weed. I smoked that shit after my shift at work and suddenly I find myself BSing on the internet all night, cleaning the kitchen, make some cannabis oil. I swear, it's an indica mostly strain and doesn't make you anxious, but gives you lots of energy. :hookah:

Oh and did I mention making CO? Here's a couple pictures from along the way. I took about a pound of trim from last years harvest, stuff it all in two half gallon mason jars, froze the heck out of them, along with a gallon of food grade ethanol. Then did a quick wash of each jar where I filled each one with ethanol and almost immediately poured it through a filter. The resulting liquid looks like this.
View attachment 726606
Run these two bottles of golden sunshine through a GOM and suddenly your ethanol looks like this.
View attachment 726607
Back to good old fashion 190 proof hooch. Left inside of the GOM is this elixir of honey goodness.
View attachment 726608

From a half gallon of ethanol you are left with this small mixture off alcohol and resin. Probably two shots of booze still in there. Leave it on the counter by a window overnight to evaporate and it will be the bomb! Can't wait to see how much I got from the first quick wash. Still at least two more washes to do.

Yea, yea, yea, I looked in on the girls tonight and the babies. The girls are getting their stretch on and the babies five have their heads above the soil. As usual all is the usual boring Autopot magic.

Anyhow, that's how I spent my Saturday evening after work. What did you folks all do?

All this written under the influence of LSD25 and the stuff that was on the end of the spatula when making oil. :rofl:
Just awesome Hems, muchos respect and love bro