Dutch Passion Grow report 30x Dutch Passion's Orange Hill Special (Fem)

i thought this would develop. glad i started your keen eye off at the right time ken. 5 outa 30 is about the right %........

did you turn off circulation fan as i suggested, in case a couple of staminate open ken bro..? Anemophylic strains etc... ie wind pollenated

ken mate, yes i would say day 65 + the event should be over i my experience. The bonus is you get a stiff bag of beans ken man !! by way of reconpence yea, one sure way to avoid this, is with sexed and separated regular seed, Reg PowerPlant, or the DesFran ?

Pm, Dp's "Tony" steer him to the thread, and if you ask him, he will sort you some replacement beans ok....... it is not a common event, but like all fems, the intersex trait can be nearer the surface promoted by genetic variance.

5 outa 30 beans is 16%, so even though only 5 outa 30 Ken. Still a larger event than expected. if any pollen did get to a few pistils, the double back crossed beans will carry the intersex gene Ken.

The 25 that didant develop intersex, if crossed, with a zero intersex trait strain, these will not have the intersex gene, and would be a fully stable hybrid version of the strain.

ken, you should be ok, from here out ken, the 50% Indica /50% sativa OHS is a nice smoke i must admit, with a sweet head with it as well. I suspect, it is the "Indica" female used for the OHS hybrid creation. That brought the distant gene in. As sativa strains, tend to be a lot more stable. if pure sativa is your thing to ken.

I would get some of the 100% pure strain Fem "Power Plant" or "Desfran" seeds from Tony. i will personally guarantee you, the event wont occur with these ken. For sure. 5 outa 30 is a price worth paying though fore the OHS smoke, as you will see ken..... so far the DesFran is the strongest smoke i have ever had.

Will keep dropping in ok.....HB
Well guys, I'm gonna plant the clones I took right before switching to 12/12 today. Serious roots appearing after just a week! I'm pretty happy with the root riot cubes. IMHO the roots appeared faster than in rockwool cubes. I'll get some pictures up asap!

In the end ken, did the clones come from one of the 5 intersex plants etc ?/ you know what to do if they did yea.... take some fresh clones from the best pheno's re veg em, should be fine ken......HB

Should finish up something like these (my OHS) !!
Orange Hill Special DP  HARVEST Day 109 Fwr 68  9.7wks 078.jpgOrange Hill Special DP  HARVEST Day 109 Fwr 68  9.7wks 063.jpg and yea, better yield than the Orange Bud pretty much HB
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growbeast my man, that avatar looks suspiciously like a DP Blueberry, or Blue velvet ? am i right bro...?/

hers a pic of my current Dp Blueberry fem, you can see why i think the avatar might be the BB !! hope you dont mind me asking growbeast ken mate, hope that ok ken man....HB

BB day 25/1
View attachment 428899
i thought this would develop. glad i started your keen eye off at the right time ken. 5 outa 30 is about the right %........

did you turn off circulation fan as i suggested, in case a couple of staminate open ken bro..? Anemophylic strains etc... ie wind pollenated

ken mate, yes i would say day 65 + the event should be over i my experience. The bonus is you get a stiff bag of beans ken man !! by way of reconpence yea, one sure way to avoid this, is with sexed and separated regular seed, Reg PowerPlant, or the DesFran ?

Pm, Dp's "Tony" steer him to the thread, and if you ask him, he will sort you some replacement beans ok....... it is not a common event, but like all fems, the intersex trait can be nearer the surface promoted by genetic variance.

5 outa 30 beans is 16%, so even though only 5 outa 30 Ken. Still a larger event than expected. if any pollen did get to a few pistils, the double back crossed beans will carry the intersex gene Ken.

The 25 that didant develop intersex, if crossed, with a zero intersex trait strain, these will not have the intersex gene, and would be a fully stable hybrid version of the strain.

ken, you should be ok, from here out ken, the 50% Indica /50% sativa OHS is a nice smoke i must admit, with a sweet head with it as well. I suspect, it is the "Indica" female used for the OHS hybrid creation. That brought the distant gene in. As sativa strains, tend to be a lot more stable. if pure sativa is your thing to ken.

I would get some of the 100% pure strain Fem "Power Plant" or "Desfran" seeds from Tony. i will personally guarantee you, the event wont occur with these ken. For sure. 5 outa 30 is a price worth paying though fore the OHS smoke, as you will see ken..... so far the DesFran is the strongest smoke i have ever had.

Will keep dropping in ok.....HB
Hello my fwend,
I did turn off the fans before I removed them. That's standard practice when I grow with fems which I've done twice before but much smaller scale. My larger endeavors were always from clones of power plant, super silver haze, etc. In this case the bananas were still very small and underdeveloped but I'm keeping my fingers crossed bro. I'll be watching the remainder closely the next few days! You can bet on that! [emoji12] I haven't seen any seeds developing in the pre sex pistols yet but it's still a bit early for that. No yellowing hairs either. I hope I dodged the bullet man! An occasional seed here and there won't be a problem but heavily seeded buds won't be useful to us as the THC levels and final yield tend to be much lower. In that case I'd be forced to cut them down and start some clones anew. I really want to sample this strain out of curiosity because I really love Dutch-passion's strains! The rest of the buds will be used to blast with butane for medicinal oils. I was contemplating the new desfran for my next grow. Funny you mention it. I thought they only had fems though...
Thanks for being there for me bro! I appreciate it greatly! I'll keep you posted okay? Have a great day! [emoji6] [emoji111]
In the end ken, did the clones come from one of the 5 intersex plants etc ?/ you know what to do if they did yea.... take some fresh clones from the best pheno's re veg em, should be fine ken......HB

Should finish up something like these (my OHS) !!
View attachment 428897View attachment 428898 and yea, better yield than the Orange Bud pretty much HB
Well, the clones came out fine. They rooted within a week with clonex and root riots! The fastest I ever seen. As luck would have it I didn't take any from the hermies! They all (24) have been donated to a friend and are in full veg as I type this. Hihi!
I've got another question for you... I'm having problems with presumably salt buildup and pH lockout due to reused coir. As I mentioned this grow is mainly for charity so extremely low budget. I flushed the coir heavily during the last stages of the last run and added calcium powder to the coir before planting these ladies. Now, halfway through this run I'm having the lower fan leaves shrivel up, die off, and drop. Next feeding will be low EC tap water with humic acid, H&G drip clean (which I used since day one), and enzymes. I think I'll not adjust the pH 6.8 tap water just to elevate the coir pH... Is that wise considering stress? Do you have any other tips for me? Maybe a top dressing of calcium again? Anyway, thanks for your help bro! Cheers!
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Minor update here: another one bit the dust. I hope it's not due to salt buildup. Gonna add some Dolomite lime dressing before watering tonight.
Awesome pics btw Hydrobeeny! Beautiful! [emoji6]
Yesterday morning I removed another hermie. Hopefully the last. The others are filling in nicely though. I don't think it will effect total yield much because the canopy is one big sea of green so to speak.
Today I gave them a top dressing of calcium carbonate. A slow pH adjuster. Hopefully it won't add to the salt buildup though. I then watered with plain tap water (0.3 EC) with only Plagron green sensation at half strength, humic and fulvic acid, half strength organic P, and a butt load of enzymes. No A&B at all.
I was in a bit of a hurry but next time I'll get some pics up for y'all. I spent to much time looking for hermies.
Well, Goodnight all! I'm gonna hit the sack after sharing one.
ken, get 500ml of run off from the yellowing plants, take the Ec and Ph and post here ok. Flushing with a high or low ph will not cause stress tot eh plant ok. if you run a 6.5ph weak feed through the plant before hand. Then the plant will not take up the flush of a different ph ok.

Like being full up, and cant eat anymore. The flush effectiveness will be measured by the drop in Ec of flush water. Initial flush could be around 2.5-4.5 Ec or over 1000 ppm of nute in soil.

post the run off here, so i can precsribe a treatment;

essentially, the top dress may have made things worse if the run off ph and Ec are high Ken, no worries though as it can be flushed down. If your run off ph is low etc...5.5 or below, then the Ca+ top dress wont hurt, it will buffer low ph in medium etc........vise versa using nitric acid, post initial 6.5ph weak feed to fill plant with correct ph etc....then flush ken..... Automaster
Yesterday morning I removed another hermie. Hopefully the last. The others are filling in nicely though. I don't think it will effect total yield much because the canopy is one big sea of green so to speak.
Today I gave them a top dressing of calcium carbonate. A slow pH adjuster. Hopefully it won't add to the salt buildup though. I then watered with plain tap water (0.3 EC) with only Plagron green sensation at half strength, humic and fulvic acid, half strength organic P, and a butt load of enzymes. No A&B at all.
I was in a bit of a hurry but next time I'll get some pics up for y'all. I spent to much time looking for hermies.
Well, Goodnight all! I'm gonna hit the sack after sharing one.

How many intersex removed ken now, from the original 30 man ??.........

Are you 65 days post start of flowering now ken ??........... you cant be far off bro yea ?? Automaster
ken, get 500ml of run off from the yellowing plants, take the Ec and Ph and post here ok. Flushing with a high or low ph will not cause stress tot eh plant ok. if you run a 6.5ph weak feed through the plant before hand. Then the plant will not take up the flush of a different ph ok.

Like being full up, and cant eat anymore. The flush effectiveness will be measured by the drop in Ec of flush water. Initial flush could be around 2.5-4.5 Ec or over 1000 ppm of nute in soil.

post the run off here, so i can precsribe a treatment;

essentially, the top dress may have made things worse if the run off ph and Ec are high Ken, no worries though as it can be flushed down. If your run off ph is low etc...5.5 or below, then the Ca+ top dress wont hurt, it will buffer low ph in medium etc........vise versa using nitric acid, post initial 6.5ph weak feed to fill plant with correct ph etc....then flush ken..... Automaster
Hey Hydrobeeny, I'm at around day 70+ after planting seedlings. So I'm hoping I'm in the clear. Fingers crossed! The laat time I measured runoff I had an EC of 4.3 and a pH of 4.7! I flushed with lots of tap water, bacteria, humic acid, and enzymes at around EC 0.25 and pH 6.8 and arrived at EC 3.0 + pH 5.5 post flush. That was a few weeks ago. Still off target but better... I'll flush and measure next feeding but I'm trying not to overwater. The proverbial rock and a hard place come to mind. Lol! I'll keep you posted.
At the moment I can't remember how many hermies bit the dust. 5 or 6... I'll count the empty spots next feeding okay? Catch ya later bro! Cheers!