Dutch Passion Grow report 30x Dutch Passion's Orange Hill Special (Fem)

ken = The last time I measured runoff I had an EC of 4.3 and a pH of 4.7!

That could be due to soil. ken, flush with a 6.5ph untill Ec drops to 1.0-0.9 Ec

The ph should rise as the nute is flushed down. Dont worry about overwatering, as they wont be sitting in water ok. The plant will take up a bit of the 6.5 flush, the rest will just go through not affecting the plant at all ok. make sure the flush water is warmed (Kettle Pre-Ph'ing) to 23c.

As the Ec of 4.3 drops by half or more, up the Ph of flush with "Silica / Silicone" to Ph 8, not humic acid, it will add to low Ph issue ok,. Then continue flush out the rest of nute, as you do this the ph will rise back to 6.5-6.8............... and you are back in the range required for P & K uptake Ken. I know it's a lot of work, and a lot of H2O@23c & Ph'ing. And Ec'ing, but worth it, results will show in 6-8 days post flushing.

if you have an airstone & air pump, put in flush water from the "Tap" ?? over night to degass the water and re gas it with Co2 & O2. Them warm it 23c then Ph it zero nute.

One good thing in this situation is tap water is high in alkaline salts, which will help bring back up your Ph ken. tap water after 24hrs on airstone will probably come out at Ph 8 anyhow............ if you dont get ph back up the flower cant take up the whole amount of P & K etc........ decreasing yield a tad.........glad you got the intersex items out as early as possible.......

Overwatering is something that occurs on a "Chronic" basis not acute, as with acute flushing ok, dont worry they wont even feel it @23c, as long as the first round of flush is 6.5, then move up to flush with Ph8, untill run off Ph comes down to 6.5-6.8, not above 7 though ken ok Automaster

Uptake depletion ranges outside 5.6-7Ph
Nutrient to Ph uptake or lockout.gif
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ken = The last time I measured runoff I had an EC of 4.3 and a pH of 4.7!

That could be due to soil. ken, flush with a 6.5ph untill Ec drops to 1.0-0.9 Ec

The ph should rise as the nute is flushed down. Dont worry about overwatering, as they wont be sitting in water ok. The plant will take up a bit of the 6.5 flush, the rest will just go through not affecting the plant at all ok. make sure the flush water is warmed (Kettle Pre-Ph'ing) to 23c.

As the Ec of 4.3 drops by half or more, up the Ph of flush with "Silica / Silicone" to Ph 8, not humic acid, it will add to low Ph issue ok,. Then continue flush out the rest of nute, as you do this the ph will rise back to 6.5-6.8............... and you are back in the range required for P & K uptake Ken. I know it's a lot of work, and a lot of H2O@23c & Ph'ing. And Ec'ing, but worth it, results will show in 6-8 days post flushing.

if you have an airstone & air pump, put in flush water from the "Tap" ?? over night to degass the water and re gas it with Co2 & O2. Them warm it 23c then Ph it zero nute.

One good thing in this situation is tap water is high in alkaline salts, which will help bring back up your Ph ken. tap water after 24hrs on airstone will probably come out at Ph 8 anyhow............ if you dont get ph back up the flower cant take up the whole amount of P & K etc........ decreasing yield a tad.........glad you got the intersex items out as early as possible.......

Overwatering is something that occurs on a "Chronic" basis not acute, as with acute flushing ok, dont worry they wont even feel it @23c, as long as the first round of flush is 6.5, then move up to flush with Ph8, untill run off Ph comes down to 6.5-6.8, not above 7 though ken ok Automaster

Uptake depletion ranges outside 5.6-7Ph
View attachment 430398
Thanks for your speedy reply! When I make a vat of water I always warm it to 22-23C. No airstone though. I'll get one at the aquarium shop.
I hope you're right thinking the runoff pH and EC are influenced by the soil, or in my case coco coir. I've never had this problem earlier though. I have a feeling the dying leaves are also due to an extreme canopy on top. It's rather dark near the pots. I don't really see signs of a deficiency (necrosis, yellowing, or purple spots) as you would expect from a lockout either. Looking from above you see a bunch of lovely medium green ladies smiling towards the hps's. No curled leaves or burnt tips either indicating a bunch of happy plants. Bud formation is also on schedule imho. First time OHS though so I can't really compare... I'll try to get some pics in soon.
I'll flush as you recommend tomorrow or the day after depending on when I can go over to the room. Stay tuned bro! Thanks again! [emoji111] [emoji6]
looking forward to the pics Ken, hope these come through and deliver for you
looking forward to the pics Ken, hope these come through and deliver for you
Stay tuned Tony! I'll be flushing soon. The water and beneficial bacteria are warming up right now. I'll get some pics up for y'all tomorrow. I had to remove 5 or 6 hermies but the others are filling in real nice. I shouldn't have any losses concerning yield. I just hope I was in time before pollen spread. If any did, which I doubt, I'm hoping it's infertile. No yellowing pistils yet so fingers crossed!
Great of you to look in bro! [emoji6]
Well guys, I just got back from flushing the coir. I actually managed to get the runoff water parameters to near target specs. The flush water was at a pH of 7.0 with an EC of 0.4 @ 24 degrees C. Post flush Ph of the runoff is now at 5.6 vs 4.7 (more or less) and the EC is now at 2.36 (or 1844 ppm) vs 4.3 (more or less). These are acceptable values so I'm a happy camper now!
Here's some pics of my Hanna measuring the runoff:
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Here's a few long awaited pics of the ladies guys. The first two are of the dying leaves on the bottom of the plants. I feel it's kinda early to be dying off so any comments are welcome!
Here's the rest of the plants. Sorry for the HPS yellow... And the quality of the shots in general. I made em with my dang phone one minute before lights out. I've got to get my Canon eos 7D next time.

Anyway guys, have a great weekend! And don't forget... It's Friday the 13th! [emoji12] [emoji111]
The color is looking great Ken, they have benefited from the flush you did. With the cocco ec being now down to 1800ppm, wouldn't hurt to just give a couple of low ec feeds say 0.5, and the OHS Dames will use the cocco nute res retained in medium a bit more........ now you are post 65-70 days the "Event" has now ended ken ??............. the OHS flowers are like rounded balls of joy, they come out fat and round in shape, and are quite firm to the sqeezz....

Ken, when will you plan to start the molasses (1tsp in i gal = (4.54ltr), every 3rd watering (Separate Watering) so as not to bacterialize the res !! and boost with Pk 13/14 ? couple of weeks from now bro ?? get some mollass in before you start the Pk, if you are going to use it ken.

ken, next run check out this kit Ecothrive charge in cocco is superb i have heard, and in addition, this kit, "Shropshire Seaweed" organic growth booster. I am running them both on this run, with Pk13/14 so will let you know how it goes ken. nice work there man, nice recovery ken :) the combined Ec meter looks a nice bit of kit....

atb, Hydrobeeny
The color is looking great Ken, they have benefited from the flush you did. With the cocco ec being now down to 1800ppm, wouldn't hurt to just give a couple of low ec feeds say 0.5, and the OHS Dames will use the cocco nute res retained in medium a bit more........ now you are post 65-70 days the "Event" has now ended ken ??............. the OHS flowers are like rounded balls of joy, they come out fat and round in shape, and are quite firm to the sqeezz....

Ken, when will you plan to start the molasses (1tsp in i gal = (4.54ltr), every 3rd watering (Separate Watering) so as not to bacterialize the res !! and boost with Pk 13/14 ? couple of weeks from now bro ?? get some mollass in before you start the Pk, if you are going to use it ken.

ken, next run check out this kit Ecothrive charge in cocco is superb i have heard, and in addition, this kit, "Shropshire Seaweed" organic growth booster. I am running them both on this run, with Pk13/14 so will let you know how it goes ken. nice work there man, nice recovery ken :) the combined Ec meter looks a nice bit of kit....

atb, Hydrobeeny
Howdy partner! Yeah, I'm quite pleased with the color myself. They do look better than last week. I gave the a very light A+B feeding today with some silica, a little P, a little Cal+Mg, a little more K and some Booster today. What a coincidence that I gave them some molasses too! Haha! That's standard practice for me after the bacteria. The brands you mentioned are not available here. I'm sure my Aptus is about the same quality as what you mentioned. It's seen as high end here. Purely organic and very expensive too! Hihi!
The sexual confusion is over it seems. I think I nipped it in the bud. No pun intended! [emoji12] I'm 4.5 weeks into flowering now so they are developing nicely. They'd better start packing on some weight now. I kinda get the feeling they can go 10 weeks instead of 9. I hope the flushing speeds the uptake of nutes a bit. But I should be a bit more patient huh? Lol!

Sharing one! [emoji6]
Hey Hydrobeeny, I just re-read your last post and was wondering why you add molasses separately? My molasses is actually a Bio-Nova product called Vitrasol. It's an organic, molasses based K supplement. I add it as a sweetener for the buds. I find it really improves taste of the final product. The molasses in it is imho a food source for the beneficial bacteria previously added to the coir during the flush.
Yeah, I really love my HANNA EC/pH and temp meter. I buy them in the states and have my cousin send them over as a "gift" to avoid import duties and tax. They're a third of the price over there and unaffordable here! Hihi! They last ages too! The probe is 2+ years old already and still as precise as when new! Awesome stuff!
Well, it was good talking to you again! Lol! Sharing one (or two...) [emoji111] [emoji12]