Dutch Passion Grow report 30x Dutch Passion's Orange Hill Special (Fem)

nice man. green garden..healthy plants..nice height for start flowering ..i c my own ones just went like urs,,like heights of plants and light cycle switch.. how much heights of room do u hv?
nice man. green garden..healthy plants..nice height for start flowering ..i c my own ones just went like urs,,like heights of plants and light cycle switch.. how much heights of room do u hv?
I've got 2,15m in height including the pots and adjust-a-wings. I've got another meter left more or less, so I should be okay. How tall are your plants excl the pots now? Yours are done stretching right?
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well my friend that is the best thing to hv ...heights..u hv a nice height to work with,,i ve got like ab 1.80 to 2 m so i know i need 2,5 for sure in a next rolling some time in the future.. my ohs are like ab 1m tall..branchess are ab 70 cm long ....they were 30 cm at day 30 when i turned them 12/12 so instead og having a 60 cm space between top plants and light i do have ab 48 cm wich is f up! hahah but again bro..life goes on..
ken i think i got this right bro....you switched to 12/12 at day 48 bro ?/
A fair period after the 35 day usual mini,mum veg for fems. Which is good.

I calk you are at day 53 or 58 today bro...??

Between day day 50 and 65 is, as mentioned when you need to keep an eye out bro........ but that is at a 12/12 switch day of around 35 days veg Ken.

As you didant switch till day 48, i would adjust the staminate search window to add on the difference etc......

diff between day 35 12/12, and 48 day switch (Actual) is 13 days, so i would add 13 days to the window etc......... so day 50 add 13 days = day 63 to 78 of flower ken........ you switched a bit later, day 48, so, the issue might start later etc.........

I know i said day 50 to 65, but only just noticed you switched 12/12 at day 48. Which moves the possible event forward 13 days etc........

Soz bro....only just worked out when you switched etc........ you are at day 58 today ?/........... in 5 days, day 63 your stam window begins proper, for 14-18 days, to day 78 when you should be clear bro..............

you must have hazlenut sized flowers atm Ken ??...........HB
ken i think i got this right bro....you switched to 12/12 at day 48 bro ?/
A fair period after the 35 day usual mini,mum veg for fems. Which is good.

I calk you are at day 53 or 58 today bro...??

Between day day 50 and 65 is, as mentioned when you need to keep an eye out bro........ but that is at a 12/12 switch day of around 35 days veg Ken.

As you didant switch till day 48, i would adjust the staminate search window to add on the difference etc......

diff between day 35 12/12, and 48 day switch (Actual) is 13 days, so i would add 13 days to the window etc......... so day 50 add 13 days = day 63 to 78 of flower ken........ you switched a bit later, day 48, so, the issue might start later etc.........

I know i said day 50 to 65, but only just noticed you switched 12/12 at day 48. Which moves the possible event forward 13 days etc........

Soz bro....only just worked out when you switched etc........ you are at day 58 today ?/........... in 5 days, day 63 your stam window begins proper, for 14-18 days, to day 78 when you should be clear bro..............

you must have hazlenut sized flowers atm Ken ??...........HB
Hey there Hydrobeeny! I'll be going to the room in a few armed with my magnifying glass. Yesterday I was there too and saw not a single staminate flower yet. Only pistils till now. Got temps under control and no light leaks. The girls are however getting big which makes it difficult to eyeball the middle two rows. The 4 odd pheno's I put by the door because they're under suspicion. I'll be watching them daily for a while as per your calculations!

Thanks for thinking along with me bro! I can really use the help because I ain't got my head on straight at the moment. My girlfriend and I just broke up after 11 years which is all consuming at the moment.

I'm slowly reducing A&B and adding P, calmag, and Booster from now on. Still @ 1.0 EC and a pH of 5.8 so that's all on target. The flowers are now indeed hazelnut sized so I hope stretching stops soon. I've got about a foot of room left! After that I'll need to start bending colas.

I'll get back to you ASAP on the staminates.
Once again dude... Thanks for helping out! Much appreciated! [emoji111]
Meanwhile, back at the farm.... No men in site! I just gave the girls a good feeding and had a look around. All's well at the moment. Getting big though! I raised the lamps, which are at 90% now, another 10cm today and actually had to bend a branch over. Excuse me for not taking pics today. My phone was almost dead due to the circumstances at home. I forgot to pack my charger. Lol! Next time I go by I'll grab a few shots for sure!
Well guys, I'm off to bed. Catch y'all later!
Well, I took the sheers to 3 girls yesterday. They went rogue on me. I hope I was in time before pollen spread! I noticed some young bananas hanging around so I decided to just remove the 3 whole plants from the room. May they rest in peace!
Here's a few pics for y'all anyway. Peace people! uploadfromtaptalk1425455251888.jpguploadfromtaptalk1425455263490.jpguploadfromtaptalk1425455280388.jpguploadfromtaptalk1425455291924.jpg
Tonight I gave two more hermies the old heave ho. I hope that was it... Such a shame because they were 2 great looking plants too! I'll be watching the rest closely for the next few days.
Sorry about the gender confused plants bro, its the world we live in now days. The bible said this would happen during the last days. :grin:

How far into flower are you?
Sorry about the gender confused plants bro, its the world we live in now days. The bible said this would happen during the last days. :grin:

How far into flower are you?
Hey hey, they've been flowering for 3 weeks now. We're past day 65 now too. So, according to Hydrobeeny we should be in the clear. I sure do hope so because we're going for a high THE batch this run. If they start seeding I'll be forced to start over which would really suck! I'm so curious how these ladies turn out you know!
I'm looking at at least 3 different pheno's here. 2 very tall ones which, luckily I didn't put directly under the lamps. The 3 or 4 short, indica types are under the lamps. The rest are all around the room. I am however seeing that the lower fan leaves are starting to die off which indicates salt buildup again. Next watering will be a ph'ed flush with humic acid, bacteria, and enzymes added to the mix. I should have changed out the coir before this run I guess...
We'll, I'm off to see a man about a horse now. Catch ya later. [emoji6]