Dutch Passion Grow report 30x Dutch Passion's Orange Hill Special (Fem)

Getting ready to switch to 12/12. Some of the girls are faster than the rest so I'm trying to guesstimate the best moment... I'll try to get some pics in after visiting the room later this evening. Have a nice Sunday peeps! [emoji111]
Well, I took a couple of clones. Not every plant had enough to cut. Got 24 in my heated propagator and I'm trying root riot starter cubes for the first time. Clonex gel has always been my rooting hormone being a liquid. I cot the cutting with a scalpel and dip it straight into the gel. This to stop the cutting from sucking up air thus creating a kind of embolism. That's why I prefer the liquid over powder. Gonna shoot some pics when I go there tonight. Gonna switch to 12/12 later.
So, pics will follow. Sit tight my friends.
Well, just got back from the room with some pics for y'all. Of course I forgot my good camera but what the h...
As of today we're in bloom. I took a couple of shots of the room and one of the cuttings in the propagator. Got the lights in the room at 50% still to maintain cool temps and save on electric costs. The average temp in the tent is steady at 24,5C during light hours and 19.5C in the dark. So far so good.
So without further ado:

Here's one of a plant that got cuttings taken way at the bottom.

You might have noticed the yellow sticker to find those pesky gnats. 2 caught in 24 hours. Nematodes are on their way to the rescue.
This tapatalk app sucks. Most of my own pics don't show up as pics but like broken links. Any ideas?
Ken mate, i would pinch out those intersex glands that are male mate. ASAP. Turn off all circulation fans so pollen aint spread around easy, as these are (Anemophylic Strains), then keep eyes peeled for the rest, upto day 65. After that you are in the clear, with OHS mate........ HB

Ken, even if a staminate organelle opens, the pollen is quite weak, and tends not to be of much use. The odd calyxe may get a nanogram on it. And produce a huge seed. But not many though...........i bin there, with OHS........ HB

Ps; What day is it you are switching to 12/12 post day 28-35 ?/
Ken mate, i would pinch out those intersex glands that are male mate. ASAP. Turn off all circulation fans so pollen aint spread around easy, as these are (Anemophylic Strains), then keep eyes peeled for the rest, upto day 65. After that you are in the clear, with OHS mate........ HB

Ken, even if a staminate organelle opens, the pollen is quite weak, and tends not to be of much use. The odd calyxe may get a nanogram on it. And produce a huge seed. But not many though...........i bin there, with OHS........ HB

Ps; What day is it you are switching to 12/12 post day 28-35 ?/
Welcome aboard Hydrobeeny,

Thanks a million for your advice! My plants were switched last night at 42 days after wetting. So I'm past the crucial first 5 weeks by more than a week. I topped most of them at 5 weeks.
I'll be eyeballing them closely and daily and like you say rubbing off the bananas. I spray the bananas lightly with water and a wetting agent prior to rubbing them off and of course with the fans off.
Are you sure day 65 is the end of the sex changing? I see that often outside with feminized seeds. This is my first big inside endeavor with feminized seeds. So, I hope you're right with day 65. There aren't many pistils yet outside of pre-flowering. Day 65 is almost here dude. That would be awesome and would allow me to sleep well. Lol! Your advice correlates with the advice given to me by other friends on AFN. Thanks bro! [emoji6] [emoji111]
i am generally speaking a Sativa favoring culturist. but did run the new DP "OHS".... out of the 16, i only had 2 show a few staminates, between day 50 and 65 ken. i continued to watch though, but to no avail on that occasion.

as with all genetic varience, buried deep in the chrome set, sometimes the intersex gene is carried forward. it is far from common. but you fill in your six numbers, and once or twice a year you will win a tenner.

Same probability applies to higher terrestrial plants, bearing in mind all our original strains, Williams wonder among them. Did survive the KC extinction event. So must be quite hardy !! I did recover at harvest around 50-60 beans of self pollenated & backcrossed double fem OHS beans. These also will carry the intersex gene.

This dose not mean that it will express that gene in future, from those beans Ken. same probability applies there. The OHS is a superbly balanced smoke, and very enjoyable, @18%THCv by volume.

here are a couple of harvest shots of the OHS @day109 finish (I Like Em Ripe !)

Orange Hill Special DP  HARVEST Day 109 Fwr 68  9.7wks 063.jpgOrange Hill Special DP  HARVEST Day 109 Fwr 68  9.7wks 078.jpg All the best for the OHS finish Ken........ Automaster
i am generally speaking a Sativa favoring culturist. but did run the new DP "OHS".... out of the 16, i only had 2 show a few staminates, between day 50 and 65 ken. i continued to watch though, but to no avail on that occasion.

as with all genetic varience, buried deep in the chrome set, sometimes the intersex gene is carried forward. it is far from common. but you fill in your six numbers, and once or twice a year you will win a tenner.

Same probability applies to higher terrestrial plants, bearing in mind all our original strains, Williams wonder among them. Did survive the KC extinction event. So must be quite hardy !! I did recover at harvest around 50-60 beans of self pollenated & backcrossed double fem OHS beans. These also will carry the intersex gene.

This dose not mean that it will express that gene in future, from those beans Ken. same probability applies there. The OHS is a superbly balanced smoke, and very enjoyable, @18%THCv by volume.

here are a couple of harvest shots of the OHS @day109 finish (I Like Em Ripe !)

View attachment 421398View attachment 421399 All the best for the OHS finish Ken........ Automaster
Thanks for your speedy answer dude! I had a look at all the ladies yesterday with a loupe and found only pistols. Not a single banana in sight. But.... We're not in the clear yet. Gonna squat tonight again and I'll continue to until I find something. Only problem is I'm gonna be putting a screen over them before they stretch so getting into the last row will be kinda difficult. But that should be well after day 65.
Im a sativa grower (lover) myself and always small grows for personal use. This grow is for medicinal purposes and I hope for the highest THC by vol. Seeding plants tend to have much lower THC than sinsemilla. A seed or two won't be a problem. But heavily seeded means chopping everything down and starting over with white widow (or similar) clones. But that's the worst case scenario! We're still shooting for sinsemilla! [emoji6]
I'll keep in touch bro. Thanks for your help! [emoji111]
Hey there Hydrobeeny,
I just turned on my laptop to see your pre harvest pics. What an awesome sight! Nice and frosty nugs buddy. I love the "orange" hues in the fan leaves! I cant wait for your smoke report as I will be keeping a few buds for myself. For me this is probably gonna be some heavy duty stuff. I'm a lightweight smoker actually, who's used to DP's Frisian Dew and Shaman. This OHS should prove to be an amazing trip! LOL!
Just a little update for the interested. After feeding the girls, I spent a good hour on my knees looking for bananas but I couldn't find any. I hope I can keep this up! After last week's foliar feeding of H&G Magic Green with some extra trace elements I can say that the yellowing leaves have recuperated and have a nice green color with a semi-gloss shine to them. I took 3 pics for you guys but of course under the dreaded HPS's. I'm running my 3 HPS's at 65% now to keep temps down and because I don't feel they need more light yet. During flowering I'll bump up the lights to full and even lumen boost (3X 720W) if needed. That'll depend on how these ladies grow. Full canopy or stalky and of course how they respond to brightening lights.
I am however finding more and more gnats than I like so I can't wait for the nematodes to get here! That could be next Thursday at the latest... I don't wanna use my organic anti gnat soil treatment because that also kills the cherished nematodes. I hope the gnat infestation doesn't get much worse in the meantime. Fingers crossed!
We'll, here's the pics I made today: