Dutch Passion Grow report 30x Dutch Passion's Orange Hill Special (Fem)

Looking great, but why only 30 lol. :Sharing One:
Looking great, but why only 30 lol. :Sharing One:
Hey buddy, thanks for the compliment! Gonna hang a screen up soon! They're gonna start shooting! 30 is my lucky number... Duh... Sharing one too! [emoji6] [emoji111]
We're going for max yield in the space available to us. Thanks to a great friend! It's for medicinal purposes. More than a few people are awaiting meds from this crop. A few buds for me of course! [emoji12]
Alrgt Ken............. re gnats, could be of help to hang a few "Diptera" traps up. Dipterous two wing flies are a sucker for the fly trap, the sticky one you pull out from the little cardboard cylinder, pulls out to about 80cm long........just hang 4-5 those up at different heights and take out the adults.......

They are looking bang on Ken.............., with fems is a good time to switch post 35 days, so @42 switch, you are looking at a good bit of stretch still to come, around another 60-90cm, before mid flowering slows the stretch to zero......... should be a nice size last 5wks of flower Ken........ you will like the aroma from them when they fire pistills.

Within a week of 12/12, watch the 2-3-4th internode, with a strong small magnifying glass, and you will see the pre-sex organelles develop. All pistilate calyxes "Sit Down" tight in the "V" next to the "Stipule". Staminate (male) Pre-Sex organelles "Are On A Tiny Stalk" not sat down in tight to the bract etc......... the event in my experience takes place from day 45-65, if it aint happened by 65, you should be ok Ken..........the OHS like the Pk boost from beginning of the last 4-5 weeks, before the 10 day pure water flush begins. i run the Pk @ 200ppm, if my pre nute ppm is 550ppm, i swap out 200ppm of nute for Pk13/14......... 1ml of silicone from the start till end Ken....

The last 3 weeks of flower add boost accelerator if you use canna, or a boost from your nute group etc........ during this period, add with boost, molasses 2tsp in 5ltrs warm water Ph'ed at 6.6 (Flower), feed separate boost inc molasses, every 3rd feed last 3 weeks, will lift flower volume....... AM
Alrgt Ken............. re gnats, could be of help to hang a few "Diptera" traps up. Dipterous two wing flies are a sucker for the fly trap, the sticky one you pull out from the little cardboard cylinder, pulls out to about 80cm long........just hang 4-5 those up at different heights and take out the adults.......

They are looking bang on Ken.............., with fems is a good time to switch post 35 days, so @42 switch, you are looking at a good bit of stretch still to come, around another 60-90cm, before mid flowering slows the stretch to zero......... should be a nice size last 5wks of flower Ken........ you will like the aroma from them when they fire pistills.

Within a week of 12/12, watch the 2-3-4th internode, with a strong small magnifying glass, and you will see the pre-sex organelles develop. All pistilate calyxes "Sit Down" tight in the "V" next to the "Stipule". Staminate (male) Pre-Sex organelles "Are On A Tiny Stalk" not sat down in tight to the bract etc......... the event in my experience takes place from day 45-65, if it aint happened by 65, you should be ok Ken..........the OHS like the Pk boost from beginning of the last 4-5 weeks, before the 10 day pure water flush begins. i run the Pk @ 200ppm, if my pre nute ppm is 550ppm, i swap out 200ppm of nute for Pk13/14......... 1ml of silicone from the start till end Ken....

The last 3 weeks of flower add boost accelerator if you use canna, or a boost from your nute group etc........ during this period, add with boost, molasses 2tsp in 5ltrs warm water Ph'ed at 6.6 (Flower), feed separate boost inc molasses, every 3rd feed last 3 weeks, will lift flower volume....... AM

Yo Yo Yo! Those damned gnats man.... It's like they come with the coir when you buy it. I haven't seen the particular traps for diptera here. I'm gonna have a look at my garden center tomorrow. At the moment I have yellow stickers laying on the sides of the pots. They love yellow and it seems to help. I find it's not getting worse at the moment. I caught them early so I ordered the nematodes steinernema (spelling?) immediately. That's my preferred method together with the traps.
Outside of today I've been on my knees since 12/12 with a magnifying glass looking for the staminates and till now only one suspect. One of the runts btw. Thanks for your detailed description of the male organs. Tomorrow morning I'll have another look but till now only pistils.
I'm still just giving em A+B with humic acid, fish emulsion, and a little root stimulator @EC 0.9. I'm also giving them Aptus Regulator which is basically silica and trace elements. Is silica what you mean with silicone?
I'll be adding P as of next week and slowly adding K along with Calmag and molasses. I alternate with Calmag and P. After a while I'll slow down with the P and boost the K before the final flush. As a booster I use Green Sensation by Plagron. The nuggets seem to grow harder and denser with this. For the cash croppers here that stuff is da bomb!
Cheers! Sharing one.... [emoji6]
After re-reading my last post with Hydrobeeny it looks like I'm not looking at you're advice in feeding. I sure will tomorrow after NOT sharing one... Lol! I sure appreciate you're help in this endeavor... I'll get back to you tomorrow. Hihi
Hey there Hydrobeeny, I just got back to your advice in feeding and we pretty much work the same way. I have organical P and K which I dose separately. More P in the beginning of flowering and more K towards the end. Before I flush I don't give any P at all except for the Booster. I also reduce A+B to accommodate the P+K.
I'll be spending more time on my knees later. [emoji12]
Cheers bro! Have a good'un!
Just a little update guys, I spent another 20 minutes checking for bananas but I still don't see any. So I'm happy till now. They're really starting to stretch now. I raised the lamps 10cm again today. Gonna hang my screen up tomorrow. Got the temps and RH under control at 24C with 55% RH. I turned up the light intensity to 70%. The gnats seem to not get worse either.
Sharing a Frisian Dew!
Can't wait till April!!! See these bad boys, these are supposed to yield better then there orange bud
I'm gonna try to grow one outside too. I'm not a huge fan of "inside" grown myself. Way to heavy hitting for me. I love organically grown, full spectrum outside weed. I just hope the OHS can take our climate here! We'll see bro! Cheers!
Well guys, I'm gonna plant the clones I took right before switching to 12/12 today. Serious roots appearing after just a week! I'm pretty happy with the root riot cubes. IMHO the roots appeared faster than in rockwool cubes. I'll get some pictures up asap!