Indoor GG's Giant Greens

I needed someplace to leave this table so I can remember it. LOL. This as good as any. This assumes a fresh reservoir for any given week. I normally only change the res at flower changeover. This requires me to cut the amounts down substantially throughout the grow. I will try to record what I do next time, and make an actual operational table. My goal is to create a foolproof table for my grow style and create a how to for the hydro section. So probably don't use this, as I am going to edit it as I go.

GG's AN nute schedule for autos. :dragon6:based on 1/4 of AN nute calculator and adjusted for ease of use.

27G res.






7G res.






100L res.






26L res.






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:spels::vibe::vibe::spels: daaaaamn! :pimp: -- outstanding job on these beasties GG- :d5:... and what an interesting pair they are,... I'm with FD, these look so strongly Sativa-like in their morphology, I'd say you have a couple retro-Thai dragon ladies!

I know it, I can't wait to try them out. I can't even describe the smell, it's new to me. It's been a great grow for learning all sorts of things too. The very sound of 'Thai Dragon ladies' has got me going nuts for a harvest too.... :bighug:
A picture says a thousand words. Including beautiful, loverly, amazeballs, etc. She finally stopped stretching. In the nick of time. I'm still bending tops over a foot every day to avoid the lights.


edit: had to break a few more knuckles in there tonight. She has been within 3 inches of a 600 watt HPS cool tube 4 or 5 times now. She has no boundaries.
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A picture says a thousand words. Including beautiful, loverly, amazeballs, etc. She finally stopped stretching. In the nick of time. I'm still bending tops over a foot every day to avoid the lights.

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edit: had to break a few more knuckles in there tonight. She has been within 3 inches of a 600 watt HPS cool tube 4 or 5 times now. She has no boundaries.
Fucking monsters man, that's all that can be said about them. The health on these two is amazing. even the lower older fans are showing no stress or lockout. You sir have that dialed in.

Now that the drool session is over some info. Few things that I am curious about, one the yield on the one that went to flower first, im now left wondering if the bud structure is genetic or lack of light hours. Its one that well never know, they say that lower light cycles drop the flower production BUT its showing sati and I wonder like @Waira said if its the whispy true buds we see from thai genetics. Ill be really interested in the smoke report on that one.

the bigger one in the back is shaping up to be a yielder and well see if her bud development changes given the light cycle changes. So far so good things look great mate.
Fucking monsters man, that's all that can be said about them. The health on these two is amazing. even the lower older fans are showing no stress or lockout. You sir have that dialed in.

Now that the drool session is over some info. Few things that I am curious about, one the yield on the one that went to flower first, im now left wondering if the bud structure is genetic or lack of light hours. Its one that well never know, they say that lower light cycles drop the flower production BUT its showing sati and I wonder like @Waira said if its the whispy true buds we see from thai genetics. Ill be really interested in the smoke report on that one.

the bigger one in the back is shaping up to be a yielder and well see if her bud development changes given the light cycle changes. So far so good things look great mate.

I know it's still early to say, but since I upped the light schedule again the stretch stopped on [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and the buds on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] seem to be growing again. She just needed a few hours of light! I also did not notice the colors coming out till @Free Flow mentioned it. I can see it in the pics, so I'm going to have to investigate that more carefully today. Out comes the macro lens again.....

I think the ploy worked, and I am getting the best of all worlds. We kicked the flower transition in early enough that she is at a manageable height after stretch and kicked it back up just in time to see her pack on some weight. There are no signs of hermies yet, but it is hard to get into the middle of the giant in the back to see clearly. The room is so full I can hardly remember what the stickers on the back wall are.

I say WE up there because @FullDuplex followed this grow closely and added so much to this grow. It's a rare pleasure to have the breeders insight on tap while growing a plant. I think I'm a damn good grower, but I'm also a new grower. I only been growing this plant for a short while. So I stand here grateful for all of that.
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I know it's still early to say, but since I upped the light schedule again the stretch stopped on [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and the buds on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] seem to be growing again. She just needed a few hours of light! I also did not notice the colors coming out till @Free Flow mentioned it. I can see it in the pics, so I'm going to have to investigate that more carefully today. Out comes the macro lens again.....

I think the ploy worked, and I am getting the best of all worlds. We kicked the flower transition in early enough that she is at a manageable height after stretch and kicked it back up just in time to see her pack on some weight. There are no signs of hermies yet, but it is hard to get into the middle of the giant in the back to see clearly. The room is so full I can hardly remember what the stickers on the back wall are.

I say WE up there because @FullDuplex followed this grow closely and added so much to this grow. It's a rare pleasure to have the breeders insight on tap while growing a plant. I think I'm a damn good grower, but I'm also a new grower. I only been growing this plant for a short while. So I stand here grateful for all of that.

Interesting on the stretch stop, I can tell that flower is in full swing, and noticed that there is more bud development on the more mature plant. I couldn't imagine her size if she would have not had the kick. Seems to have responded to it well that's for sure. well see what the week brings with it and what she decides to do. I can say I too saw the color but didn't want to excite you too much. Well see how deep it goes if you have leave color shift or not. Now is the time that she starts the shift. The buds may darken but the leaf is what I want to watch.

I really appreciate the kind words and I feel that if you put work into something its not done until its repeated by someone else. Also I like to be involved, no so much as to tell someone how to grow but as to provide information about the plant and the things that I have seen in working them. What I appreciate is the proper updates, and the information about plants in general. That to me is worth more than any book, reaping the benefits of another's knowledge.

The way that you tested this is more than I could ever ask for. There have been few like you that take the time to document the process and take it seriously and I thank you for that.
Interesting on the stretch stop, I can tell that flower is in full swing, and noticed that there is more bud development on the more mature plant. I couldn't imagine her size if she would have not had the kick. Seems to have responded to it well that's for sure. well see what the week brings with it and what she decides to do. I can say I too saw the color but didn't want to excite you too much. Well see how deep it goes if you have leave color shift or not. Now is the time that she starts the shift. The buds may darken but the leaf is what I want to watch.

I really appreciate the kind words and I feel that if you put work into something its not done until its repeated by someone else. Also I like to be involved, no so much as to tell someone how to grow but as to provide information about the plant and the things that I have seen in working them. What I appreciate is the proper updates, and the information about plants in general. That to me is worth more than any book, reaping the benefits of another's knowledge.

The way that you tested this is more than I could ever ask for. There have been few like you that take the time to document the process and take it seriously and I thank you for that.
Ya know. I got a big ol res any time you want me to take your girls swimming lol.

Although gene here is already doing a helluva job.
Not sure i stopped to check and not seen them chicks just praying
Ya know. I got a big ol res any time you want me to take your girls swimming lol.

Although gene here is already doing a helluva job.
Not sure i stopped to check and not seen them chicks just praying

You know thats what we call taking a dump in the south. Dropping the kids at the pool. It's what granny was doing when she said was going to the 'library' LOL. :funny: