Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

It's suppose to be as good as my roots exculrator so since I use most of Fox farm products and love them I get good results so it is on my list as soon as I run out of the roots.
I would have gotten it first but had no idea on my first real order of nutes it was even for the same thing as roots exculrator.since purchasing doing more reading many people use both in the organic sections of growing.
Mycorrhizae is cool also, I use great white at seed starting and transplanting I feed liquid karma on water days to keep it happy.
I've just gave stuff a try till I've found what works for me it's all about what you can afford and what works for you in your grow.
I use ffof soil also and so far I love it some don't like I said works for some not for others.
Hey hey... yeah i did an outdoor grow last summer in Florida. Some dinafem roadrunner [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. I used the grow big, and tiger bloom, and did have some explosive growth with those fox farm products. Im going to try the kangaroots on two of these ladies. The guy at HTG swore by it. Says he stopped using voodoo juice with it. Its half the cost. Like i said only reason im sketchy on it was because of a side by side grow comparison on tomato plants. And the kangaroots subject had horrible leaf cupping, and after 4weeks almost no roots. The h20 control in the study looked great. I know that shouldn't be reason enough not to use. But, then again... lol... im gonna try it. Welcome though fam @SouthCarolinaYardDog.
Watered with the kangaroots root drench. pH'ed 5.8. 10ml to a gallon. As long as they do ok going to introduce the advanced sensi grow a+b next watering. So days 10-12. Hopefully. The 1.7 oxypot sour crack is seriously spreading her wings. Damn near the width of pot already. And the Heisenberg is really amazing me. From her first leaves getting damaged from seed casing, she has really pulled through so far and is putting out her second set nicely. So probably could say that's a testament to mephisto genetics. Im loving them so far. Peace yall.... more to come
Day 11 update.
Sour Crack in 1.7gallon oxypot is really seeming to spread out, and is starting to kick out some leaves.
Day 11.
Sour Crack in 5.5gallon oxypot, looking good, starting to push it out nicely.
Day 10.
Sour Crack in 5gallon fabric pot, she is the smallest out of the 3 sour cracks. Still have high hopes for her, truthfully she might have been a bit overwatered during germination, and think that might of slowed her down a little.
Day 11.
Heisenberg Special in 5gallon fabric pot, again this lil lady was damaged a bit during germination and only showed cotyldons since the tips of first leaf set was injured. But she has really worked her way through it. And is looking on track to catch up.

Will most likely need to water tomorrow. Which will be day 11-12. Im going to give a seedling dose of advanced nutrients sensi grow a+b @ 1ml per liter.
I'm really excited about the next stage of growth. Hope I can help these gals thrive through veg. More to come y'all... peace Sour Crack 1.7gallon oxypot. Day 11. Sour Crack 5.5gallon oxypot. Day 11. Sour Crack 5gallon fabric pot. Day10. Heisenberg special 5gal fabric. Day11.


Don't know why pics are looking like that, must be my phone.
So the ladies are bout ready for watering. Im going to introduce some nutrients today. Using the advanced nutrients sensi grow a+b line. I will be feeding at 1ml to 1liter strength. So here we go. Will update soon.
Day 11 update.
Sour Crack in 1.7gallon oxypot is really seeming to spread out, and is starting to kick out some leaves.
Day 11.
Sour Crack in 5.5gallon oxypot, looking good, starting to push it out nicely.
Day 10.
So day 12-13.
Day 13 Sour Crack 1.7gallon oxypot. Actually think she got a little heat issue due to me lowering light. Raised light 2 inches to about 16 inches. Hope that stops it.